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Cptn Corizon

Hanging in the Balance

The allied fleets soared into position. Above him, a Miranda-class vessel floated uneasily. Next to him Colonel Kimura glanced at the holotable. Commander Ah-Windu Corizon folded his arms across his chest, a restless expression upon his usually abstemious face.


“Colonel,” Corizon’s voice finally came. “Status report?”


"My men have taken up their positions, primarily in A-ring and C-ring," the colonel began. "Station security is fully prepped and at alert stations, though I've taken the liberty of shifting some off the Commercial Concourse to reinforce strategic locations on E-ring."


Corizon nodded his head slightly. "And you Colonel, how are you holding up?"


Kimura grinned. "Don't worry about me, Colonel. The worst thing that's happened to me so far this week is you dropping the XO spot on me."


The colonel regarded him for a moment. He spoke again, dropping his voice. "Your first time in command of an operation this large, Commander?"


Glancing at the man, thinking for a few moments. "Colonel, I helped plan not only the repatriotion of Deep Space 9, but the invasion of Chintoka and Cardassia."


Kimura laughed easily. "Well, I put my foot in that one, didn't I?" He shook his head. "My apologies."


"None needed Colonel," Corizon remained straight. "If they break the Romulan and Dominion lines...we're going to be in trouble...”


Sobering, Kimura nodded gravely, and regarded the holotable for a long moment. "How much friendly movement do you expect around the station?" he asked suddenly.


Tactically assessing the situation. "As little as possible. If all goes according to plan--which it won't. The Romulan and the Dominion fleets will hold them off. The Klingon fleet is stationed it between us and them."


He motioned to the holotable showing the fifty or so red dots that lay between the purple and green markings representing the Dominion and Romulan vessels respectively. "They'll run interference against any small groups that manage to run the lines. Our fleet will be positioned just inside the range of Camelot's heavy weaponry..."


Kimura was nodding as this explanation progressed. "Well, Commander—understanding that I'm accustomed to thinking in two dimensions -- what's your thought on a line of mines as a perimeter defense?" He traced an short arc across the holo display with a fingertip. "Here. To break any flight that comes through, and open them to Camelot's weapons."

Smiling broadly, showing the pointed fangs. "The Romulans are finishing laying a series of Gravitc-Spatial Charges there with proximity fuses."


"How many steps ahead of me are you?" Kimura inquired wryly. "Just so I know how fast I need to run."


"Can you run on all fours," Corizon finally let a smirk cross his face. "Colonel, I've spent the better part of a year planning the defense of this station against such a force...should the Dominion have ever decided to...evict us."


"And now they're helping you pay the rent," he chuckled, letting his gaze drift back to the status board.


"If you would have told me I'd be helping those..." he paused. "Abominations save themselves, I would have laughed you in the face."


"Ironic isn't it Commander," the stern voice of Admiral tr'Shaelon echoed through the CNC, a few feet behind Corizon and Kimura.


The colonel turned, regarding the Romulan mildly. "War makes stranger bedfellows than politics, Admiral," he said. "Witness yourself."


Khevio nodded. He'd grown up during an era of isolation, a cold war with the Federation and during constant conflict with the Klingons and Breen. He'd fought side by side with the Klingons and the Federation during the Dominion War. Now he found himself allied with the very people he'd learned to hate. "The charges have been placed. We will activate them once the Morningstar has taken up position."


"I hope you have a quick trigger finger, then, Admiral, because Morningstar's coming in with all hell on her tail." Kimura glanced worriedly at the status boards.


The Romulan lifted his brows. "How much combat did you see during the last war, Colonel?"


Corizon glanced at the Romulan, now was not the time for posturing. "Admiral, with all respects, shouldn't you be departing for your vessel?"


"Of course Commander," Khevio said dubiously. "May the Elements smile upon you both."


"And you as well Admiral. The balance of an entire Quadrant may hang on this battle."

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Excellent commander...bravo

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