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A9 Personal Log, SD 50210.24

::Looks up from his reading, at the desk in his Ready Room, rubbing his eyes from weariness::


Paper!  Who'd have thought that Melville would keep his personal files on Paper!!


::looks back down at the large file in front of him::  Amazing...


::standing up and stretching, he begins to pace::


Computer, open personal log, Atragon-9, Commanding Officer, USS Manticore, NCC-5852, password *********


[whirr, click]


It seems that my career as a Starfleet officer may not be over after all.  Captain Sovak and his strike team have returned from the surface of Tibus VI after defeating the last of Melville's personal guard.  Even with the defenders using an EMP to disrupt and destroy all electronic systems, they still found a wonderful and antiquated file folder of paper documents that Melville had on me.  He was quite ... obsessed - and angry.  I'm not sure that these documents will specifically point to my innocence in his last act of lunacy with the knife, but it definitely presents his entire frame of mind.  There's even some details of his plottings in here about the terminal illness and how he could use that to his final advantage, gads!


So, now we return to Starbase 9 and turn over our evidence to former CG Jaffe.  From there... maybe we can get back into space and do the job we all trained to do!  That would be nice, or maybe a better word would be fulfilling.  We have taken on some new Ensigns lately and they look promising, skilled, eager!  That's good I suppose - in moderation.  Ahh, I remember when I was just starting out...  was I ever really this green?  Couldn't have been, could I?  ::chuckle::


Well, there is one thing I'm concerned about onboard.  Captain Sovak told me that they had to rig up an emergency beacon from the surface to send the emergency beam out signal.  He told me that there was a considerable lag between the time it was received here and the time they were transported up.  He is planning on investigating further and will let me know what he finds out.  Now that I think of it, did we even know there was an EMP initiated down there?  Hmm, something else for his investigation.


::sits back down and leafs through his file again::


Well, we'll be back at base in just a few hours, so I should probably read all I can in my file before we make dock.  I'm sure this is going to be requested and handed over pretty quickly once we're there.


Computer, EOM, EOT


[whirr, click]

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