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Personal Log SD 10601.25

Personal log, SD 10601.25


As N’Dak, Sis and I secured Engineering; I suddenly remembered a scenario that Chris had told me about, when I was younger. He had come home on leave from the Arcadia-D, and was talking with Mom and Dad at the dinner table. Apparently, a Vorta had been captured on the Arc, and was being smug about withholding information.


Chris had been assigned to Security at the time, and had a brainstorm to induce the Vorta, Ed I think his name was, to reveal vital information. Chris programmed a Holodeck to recreate a 1940’s German Luftstalag, had Security personnel get dressed up in Luftwaffe uniforms, and then had them escort the Vorta, dressed as a US Army Air Corps officer, to the Holodeck, where he was to be the main event.


Chris met them, dressed as an SS Sturmbannfuehrer, and proceeded to interrogate Ed. When Chris was describing the interrogation, Dad got a look on his face that I’d only seen a few times in my life, and thankfully none of them were ever directed at me. I swear, I could hear the air freezing when Dad said “You should be ashamed of yourself, Christopher.” Dad only used our full names when he really wanted to get our attention. “We have a moral obligation against the use of torture.” He sat there, at the head of the table; his eyes boring holes in Chris’s head it seemed.


“But Dad,” Chris said, trying to defend himself. Dad just shut him up. “It doesn’t matter what information you get under duress. It’s most likely lies and half-truths to stop the torture. I thought I raised you better than that, Christopher.”


Chris slumped in his seat at the dinner table. “You did Dad,” he said. “It was a spur of the moment thing.”


“Spur of the moment or not, it wasn’t the appropriate thing to do.”


“Yes sir,” Chris replied, chastised at his being lectured to. I think Chris sometimes used to forget that Dad was a flag officer first, our father second.


Of course, as I sit here, watching the hatch, I think I know why I dredged up this obscure memory. A Changeling tried to implicate Captain Moose in the assassination of the station commander, and tried to murder my stepsister. For that, there will be no mercy shown, if it had a partner in these crimes.

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