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Guest Vulcan3324

"Up To The Bridge"

"Up To The Bridge"

Lieutenant j.g. T'Parek

Duty Log

January 15, 2156


T'Parek had some degree of genuine concern for Admiral Gardner's well being, considering that he was a high-ranking member of Starfleet, after all. But that wasn't her only reason for relief when Commander Cole found an official reason for the good admiral to leave Nequencia III.


The unlikely pair of Vulcan scientist and human brass rappelled back up to the surface, where Gardner's shuttlepod was at the ready. T'Parek was ordered to pilot; no surprise there. Any chance to evaluate crew performance, she thought with the slightest, humorless smirk pulling at the edges of her mouth. Well, he'd have no grounds to criticize her. Chief helmsman she may not be, but she had a good feel for the navigation of most regulation Fleet craft.


After the 'pod landed in Challenger's shuttlebay, T'Parek politely offered to show him to his quarters. She knew it was most likely a futile attempt, but it was worth a try to keep him off the Bridge until she knew its situation.


Politeness didn't work this time. Again, no surprise about that. As the duo walked through the corridors, the tension was palpable as the crew glanced irritably in Gardner's direction. The two Starfleet officers made their way to the Bridge with an uncomfortable silence between them.


The Vulcan was deep in thought about the admiral's statement about the weapon being used for the protection of the colony, and more specifically, the fact that the rest of the Starfleet council not being informed. Gardner flaunted the fact that he had gone over their heads as if he were proud of it. His thinking was flawed, illogical, to say the least. She wondered if the Captain realized that he was acting on his own judgment...


The two emerged on the Bridge, and T'Parek knew that she most likely looked a little bit frustrated. Glancing at Gardner, she could tell that he was more than frustrated by the entire incident. Bordering on irate, perhaps? Oh well. He only had himself to blame for that.


"I advised the Admiral to return to his guest quarters, but he insisted on speaking to you," she announced to the captain.


Gardner continued his barbed comments all the way into the captain's Ready Room. The communications officer pitied Moore. He didn't deserve the immense tongue-lashing that was certain to come his way ... that much was certain. T'Parek sighed audibly as she took her station, looking at the computer-user interface before her.


Within a few minutes, the 'incoming transmission' button signaled a text communique coming from L'Traisa. Information regarding the weapon, no doubt. She nodded at Aaron, who, in turn, contacted the captain.


It didn't take Captain Moore very much time to emerge, and he didn't seem particularly happy...

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