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Ensign Trek's Log, SD9707.20

Subject: Ensign Trek's Log, SD9707.20

Date: Sun, Jul 20, 1997 12:28 PM

From: EnsignTrek




Trek relaxes as the net falls comfortably around his shield that he generated.....  


"Ok, now lets see what these people's intentions are!"


Trek opens up his mental abilities to sense the others near him.  At first he is able to sense the rest of the AT struggling against the net trying to free themselves.  Trek then turns his attention to the natives surrounding him.  As soon as his mental touch brushes against them, Trek cries out and falls to the ground unconcious.



Trek awakens some time later being held prisoner with the other members of the AT.


Kit>  Trek... wake up Trek...  There we go...  Hey guys he is starting to come around now.  


Trek>  ::grips head::  Anyone got an aspirin???  My head is killing me.  Wha-  What happened.


Blu>  Well what do you remember?


Trek>  Well I was piloting the Newport with Rocks, we did I high speed entry to avoid the cardies.  We were following the approximate course of the escape pod, when we were nearing what appeared to be a city, we noticed a large structure like some sort of castle radiating power emmissions that were not consistent with what we should be reading on a planet of this type.  So I adjusted course to avoid it and I brought us to the area where the pod landed.  We landed and Rocks and I disembarked from the

Newport.    We started our journey to get to the pod, I recieved the comm from you and Rocks and I waited for you and Kit to rendevous with us.  Right after that we see a bunch of natives who had somehow surrounded us.  You had us drop our phasers, they dropped a net on us, it stayed off me because of the shield I can generate with my powers.  You had us disengage all of our equipment and then I tried to get a sense of the people who had captured us.  When I opened myself up, they were able to overload

me.  It knocked me unconsious and then I woke up here.  Sir, they have some fantastic potential in Psi arts...  Everyone seems to  have the potential but from the brief reading of them, not one of them is even remotely trained...


Blu>  Hmm very interesting. Perhaps there is something there we can use....

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