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"Le Matya"

December 7, 2397

USS Agincourt NCC-81762

“Le Matya”


Kansas double-timed it to the bridge to take her post, any physical discomfort from her latest foray (or was it fray?) in the holodeck forgotten.


The data teams had accessed the necessary information in the confiscated Rihan ISD. A rendezvous point between the captured crew of the Vacitu and...someone. The Agincourt would be underway shortly to investigate the site. The Marine and Engineering teams were going over the device confiscated from the Vacitu, attempting to ascertain exactly what its purpose was.


They were closing in. The crew was very much like a pack of Le Matya, prowling in the dark, looking for prey. The prey would be located, and they would pounce. Once the jaws snapped shut, nothing would make the Agincourt crew let go.



<< Continued in “Bridge Politics” >>


Lt. M’rrett “Kansas” JoNs

Tactical Officer

Edited by Kansas_Jones

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