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Grab the Tool Kit.

Subject: Grab the Tool Kit.

Date: Sun, Jun 8, 1997 7:41 PM

From: CaptJael




Captain Jael finished the last sip of her tea and looked at the away team reports. Seems that a couple of officers would need to repeat the exercise.  She was sure the security team would work on making sure all were up to date on their skills.  She was dressed in some exercise attire and grabed her bow and quiver of arrows to head to go practice.  Just when she was getting ready to exit her quarters, the bridge called her to notify her of an incoming message from SF command.  


She tossed the equipment in the nearest chair. Myrridin had been asleep on his perch but the sudden thud startled him. She thought fine time for them to call. She was dressed in a stylish leotard outfit with her hair up in a pony tail. She swirled the communicaiton screen around to face her. She tapped a few commands and the screen changed to that of Admiral Kresh.


"Greetings Admiral, to what do I owe this honor. " she said, trying not to allow the sarcasm she felt towards this particalur person show.  However, she was failing miserably.


"Aye M'lass, tis always a pleasure to have a chance to hear your lovely voice.  Tis a shame ye sour you sweet voice with words you dunna mean."


Jael keeps a very stern face.  


"Nice outfit by the way.  We have just received a message that one of the science collection station 56.78A has a couple of it's pallets that are not responding and the computer is unable to run a diagnostic.  Now be a good girl and see if you can go fix it."


"Understood.We will leave immediately. Send the schematics and data and I will have my engineers and science officers have the platform collecting the data and analysis of the space dust in that section of space in no time."  she stated.


"Very good lass.  Now, go be a good l'captain and we might give you a better assignment later."  he stated as the screen went blank as the data was downloaded to the Republic.  


"Computer notify Commander Kilgore of our new orders."  she also forwarded a copy to to the department heads.  She sent a note to engineering and science to review the data and see if there was anything they would need to repair the station and too coordinate through ops if equipment was needed. They may have to make a quick stop by a starbase to pick up any raw material if it was not on board.  What she wasnot happy about she still didn't know about Marak.

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