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Dark Secrets of the Subconscious

As Koshic’s mind deepened into the darkness of unconsciousness, and the world around him swirled about into a seemingly never ending chasm, he found himself lost. For the longest time he couldn’t breathe. As he finally took a deep breath, he slammed against the floor.


His life flashed before his eyes. The pivotal events rolled foreword in the swirling chasm. The details that had constructed his unique personality. The losses that hardened his soul. The victories that swelled his ego. And the failures that haunted his dreams.


Koshic was dying. He could feel the very life being drained from his body. Only his will bound his heart to the shell that had been his body.


He closed his eyes, the parade of flashbacks faded into a starry landscape. And he saw a figure emerge from the stars… Where are you going?


The voice was familiar, old, and labored. Koshic couldn’t answer.


Do you have anything worth living for? What do you hide?


Again Koshic couldn’t respond.


The vision flashed again. This time, he watched a scene from his childhood. His father stood before him, the four moons of Elasia looming in the background. Koshic grew short with breath. It was the last time he had spoken with father.


“Koshic,” his fathers voice seemed troubled, labored. “There is something…”




“No, you must listen to me Koshic.”




“This is important Koshic…”


“Yes Father.”


“I am going on a mission with your uncle,” his father turned and glanced into the brilliant night. “There is a chance I will not return alive.”


Koshic gasped. “Father…”


“No one is exactly as he appears Koshic.”


Koshic looked at his father, wide-eyed.


“If I die,” his father turned only momentarily. “There is something I want you to know. Even if this hurts.”


“I haven’t always been the loving and devoted husband that I have appeared to be, Koshic.”


Growing up, he heard his parents fight a few times, when he’d stayed up later than he was supposed too, but he’d never heard what they fought over. Two years ago, his parents had stopped living together. His mother said it was because the politics of Elasia caused her to have ulcers…now he suspected his father would explain the truth.


Dano N’Dak turned to face his eldest son, a tear streaming down his hardened face. “You have another brother Koshic…”


You could have pushed him over with a feather. He tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth.


“He’s a Romulan,” Dano turned away, ashamed to look into the face of his son.


“How…” was all Koshic could manage.


“When I was the Ambassador to Vulcan…” he paused, then continued. “The Romulan Ambassador, her name was N’Kedre. N’Kedre N’Dak…”


Koshic blinked.


“At first we met just because of the sheer irony of the two of us sharing the same name,” he turned. “But then…things escalated so quickly. Her husband was a senator on Romulus and your mother…”


“Stop…” Koshic’s eyes were filled with angry tears. “Just stop!”


Dano sighed. “It was a long time ago Koshic…”


“I don’t care…”


“Your mother has forgiven me,” Dano sighed again. “I didn’t want to have to tell you this, but it’s better it comes from me than someone else later in life.”


“Why now though…why is the this last thing you want to tell me.”


“Her son…my son…Destorie…he’s a few years younger than you…his age of ascension will be soon.”


“I don’t understand.”


“Her husband knows,” Dano shook his head. “I am going to meet with him. He’s raised him as his own for so long, I want to thank him.”


“But then why all this crap about you might die…”


“I can’t say anymore…” he looked away. “I just wanted you to know…that I have always loved you…and your brother and sister more than anything in the world…and I am doing this for you…”


“I don…”


“Don’t say anything more…my transport is here…”


The whole vision faded into darkness. The next series of images flashed so quickly he barely recognized them...then another image came into his view...Hayden…then darkness once more.

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