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Hanging in the Balance

"Hanging in the Balance"

Personal Log - S.K. Sema'J

SD 10510.03




A cacophony of variables slapped Sam in the face. He was only an ensign and was still at that point where he wasn't always sure he felt comfortable contributing to bridge discussions. This gave him a chance to listen a lot. Though he couldn't usually look behind him and he was front and center on the bridge, he could usually fill in the blanks, and the conversation happening between Capt Moose, Cmdr Dacotah, Lo'Ami and N'Dak was full of them. The two commanding officers seemed in a daze, calmly set upon entering this nebula following this God-forsaken outpost that was being sucked in. He could understand being sure of one's self, but both of them were in this calm passive mode that seemed inappropriate for the situation. As the tension mounted, Sam had to agree with Lo'Ami's arguments against going in. Their propulsion was a valuable asset in this event, and Sam knew that the deeper they went in, the more they would be without that asset. Sam became less and less sure of himself, so much so that he sent a console message to Lo'Ami "What should I do?" Lo'Ami was the member of the senior staff Sam knew the best and he trusted him, but Lo'Ami was also shaken and did not answer his page. What happened next was unbelievable, the argument had become so absurd that N'Dak finally took matters (and a phaser) into his own hands. it was then that all sense left the bridge; the phaser immune commanders threw N'Dak into the wall (without touching him) and cast an eerie silence over the bridge for a moment. This is where the variables came in.


It was too late to turn back right now, they could not get out. Sam would have no problem with just letting that station drift...overhearing Vectra's console told him that the staff was sour over there too...the problem was that Trichon Light, and Sam's friend Kestra were also aboard the station. To sacrifice two crew members for the sake of the rest or to risk the rest going after them. Crew members were not the only thing at stake, a good percentage of the ship, including Sam's daughter were civilians. Sam knew in the way of propulsion, stopping was the best option, just stopping dead. Now, to get Kestra and Trichon off that station, seeing as there was no stopping its course. Communication with them had ended long ago. Sam caught a familiar outline on the hull of the station...why did it catch his attention...it was an escape pod! Now, how to get the message to them w/out conventional communications? Sam shifted in his seat and felt an uncomfortable hulk press against his hip. He moved so that his tri-corder was not pressing against the seat and then it came to him. Sam began typing a console message with one hand while preparing to break the engines with the other, trying to make it look as if he was simply flying the ship.



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