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Recess is over...  1/12/97

Subject: Recess is over...  1/12/97

Date: Mon, Feb 10, 1997 9:27 PM

From: LCdrBlurox



:After leaving sickbay, Blu made her way back to her quarters, having to make some duty assignments and some notes prior to joining Lt. Herel for painting detail in the brig::


::entering her quarters, she noted that someone had left her an outfit, suitable for painting.  This angered her all the more. Was this supposed to be a joke? Didn't they think she could even dress herself, now?  And how did they get into her quarters?::


::She was just about ready to com Lt Darr, to ask him to investigate for her, when it donned on her, just who it had been. Holly of course!! ::


::Shoving the items off her desk onto the floor, she placed the collar there so that she could see it.  She then sat at her des, and prepared a quick message to LtCdr Darr, typing it in herself, rather than trusting Holly to take it down accurately. ::


Attn: Lt Cdr Darr,


The command staff has requested that we get everyone onboard, either trained, or re-certified to accompany away team missions.  This will include the members of Cmd. Kilgore's cavalry unit.  I have decided to run this in a series of small classes..with various topics..and would like to get our people used to working with other units, as may occur, as often happens on away teams.  Thus, we will mix our classes, to involve 2-3 members of our crew, and 2 members of  the cavalry unit in each lesson.


I have decided that I would like you to handle the courses on combat techniciques.  Perhaps, even split it into 2 separate courses. One on armed combat, and the other on unarmed techniques.  Your background and training will provide them an excellent teacher.  I will be conducting courses on stealth, as well as on observation, and protocol.  We will then have monthly refresher lectures for those that wish to attend.


Lt. Darr, please draw up a brief outline of what you intend to include in your training course, and prepare a personnel list of just who will attend when. That way, we do not schedule the same personnel at the same times.  There are 16 cavalry members, and 22 senior officers that we need to take care of first, before we start with the rest of the crew.  Please make sure to schedule these crew members first



Blu out::


::After sending the memo to Darr, she forwards a copy of the training plan to the Captain and Commander Kilgore, as well as retaining a copy for her files.  She then begins to type up an outline, detailing what she had planned for the first set of courses, and began to grin, not even realizing she was digging her claws into the wood grain of her desktop, until she tried to stand, and noticed she had to pull her claws free.::


"They will now realize this isn't a vacation cruise,  recess is over children....

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