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Attack of the Drones



“Eight electromagnetic readings approaching the relay. I think they’re drones, probably left by the terrorists.”


“That’s not good.”


“I’d guessed.”


Murray looked at Dickinson’s tricorder, then out at the surrounding forest. “Johnson, Brady, Cramer, Williams, and Snyder, head over toward the ventilation units. Cruz, Pensinger, Stolzfous, Smith, and Tucker, go down to that rock outcropping. The rest of you will stay here with me and Dickinson. Murray to Cazorla. We have drones on approach. We’ll take care of them.


There was a chorus of “Aye, sirs” and “Understoods” as the teams broke up. Murray turned to look back at the forest. He had hoped that they could avoid a battle situation.


“All units, return fire!”


The sound of phaser and disrupter fire resounded through the forest as the two groups fought. After an hour and a half, Murray was ready to give up. Ignacio “Nacho” Cruz had gone down, as had Kevin Stolzfous. And they had yet to take down an enemy. The drones were just too much for a group of engineers and scientists masquerading as security officers.


Murray gave an exasperated sigh and turned to Dickinson. “I can’t take this anymore, Nikki. I give up. This ends now.”

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