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“Everyone’s in position.”


“Right. Here we go.”


Murray stood on the second level catwalk overlooking the main fusion reactor. The entire team was pulling double shifts and double duty today. Everyone wanted a hand in bringing main power online, and they had spent far too much time in the station to let SCE to have all the fun. He was half-tempted to send out engraved invitations as a joke. As it was, he was recording the whole thing in the Away and Station Logs, and many others were probably doing the same thing with their own logs.


“Jackson, keep an eye on readouts. If the reactor so much as sputters for a microsecond I want to know about it. Jay, ready when you are.”


Suddenly, the lights went out. Murray could hear the generators power down. “Murray to anyone. What’s going on?”


Nothing. He tapped again. “Murray to anyone. Report!”


Silence. This was not good. “Jay, I’m going to see what’s going on. Don’t start that thing until I give the order.” He grabbed a phaser rifle and headed for the door. He was stopped short when the door refused to open.


“Jay, help me open this do…”


“Cazorla to Murray.”


Murray stopped halfway down the ladder to the main level. “Go ahead, Commander.”


“It’s alright. The generators went offline a few minutes earlier than they were supposed to.”


“Understood. And thank goodness.” He turned to Jay. “I’ll get the Sims beacons.”


Twenty minutes later, a chorus of cheers went up around the station as the reactor roared to life and power was restored to the surviving systems.

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