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Security Alert?



“I think there’s someone out there, sir.”


“You think?”


Crewman Nicole Dickinson looked at him. “Hey, I’m just an engineer. You’ve got the background in security. That’s why I called you out here.”


Murray rolled his eyes. “Try scanning with your tricorder.”


“I did. But something is interfering with the scans. I’m not getting nominal resolution. I sent Snyder and Smith out to look around.”


A silence ensued. Finally:


“It’d be nice to get the defense grid up and running. How long until we fix the generator?”


“Another day or two. Don’t worry. I’m pushing to get it done by the end of tomorrow. I’ve got Williams and Wayne on the sensor grid, top priority. That and the replicators.”


“Good. Somehow, pork roast just isn’t the same when it comes from a foil package.”


“Trust me, I don’t want to be eating that stuff any longer than we have to. Even the water tastes…” He stopped as a loud rustling came from the forest. He and Dickinson crouched behind a rock and looked across the rocks. He pulled out his phaser and saw that Dickinson was ready with her rifle. More rustling. Then…arguing? Murray held still and listened to the conversation that came drifting out of the woods.


“No, not like that, like this…I don’t care if it’s uncomfortable!…You’d be more uncomfortable if I beat you over the head with my rifle…just shut up and keep moving.”


Murray breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. Zack Smith’s bellowing voice was unmistakable. Murray and Dickinson grinned as they stood and watched as Alicia Snyder carried him towards the station.


“Report,” Dickinson called, doing her best to stifle a giggle and sound authoritative.


“Genius here had the bright idea to take a shortcut and jump off a rock outcropping. I think it’s only a sprained ego. Oh, and his ankle, too.”

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