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Look it's Aquaman (a Syd and Tethra production)

Tethra stared out the window of the ship's lounge towards the crystal glints of the grand blue Oceans of Earth, and felt a great urge to plunge its depths and explore the grand ventures of its tides. It had been so long since he had the chance to even venture near an ocean let alone dive into one so it was an opportunity he could not pass up.




Syd stood next to him, looking out the window as well. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"




Tethra turned his head to see the lady from Science who had joined them in many missions. "It fails in comparison to my native land, but yes it does have its beauty...the sea here has a calling effect not so much unlike my own planet's."




"I actually like the green parts better," she admitted, her nose pressed up against the window. "Are you going down today?"




Tethra looked at her and her odd gestures towards the ship's features. "Yes, I was planning on taking a trip down to the Planet's waters."




She nodded and hugged herself. "Which ocean were you planning on going to?"




He looked at her even more strange gestures. "I have swum in the pacific, so I believe I shall try the Atlantic on this trip to the planet."




"Going to swim with anyone?" she asked him. "You know what they say... something along the lines of it's safer to swim with someone so when the shark attacks you there's someone to tell others that you're dead?" A smile played on her lips.




Tethra looked at her, "At the present I believe not, and I do not think I would not need to worry about the sharks..." He answered her, not understanding any of the humour in her words.




Syd shrugged. "Alright. Well, have fun." She looked away from him and out the window. "I think I'm off to my home... or where ever."




Tethra looked at her, noticing something...perhaps from telepathy, or just from her sensory output. "Would you care to join me?"




She nodded slowly. "Yes please."




He looked at her, "Well, swimming with me will be different than swimming with any of the other crew members." He looked at her, feeling strangely sympathetic towards her. "I am not one to surface a lot, and I will definately not hug the coastline that much...do you understand?"




She shook her head slowly. "No." With a grin she added, "But alright, I guess I'll get used to it eventually. Shall we?"




Tethra nodded, "First set off to the equipment locker and get some diving equipment"




"You lead, I'll follow," she told him.




He nodded and began to leave the lounge and headed towards the Equipment locker and requested some items from the officer in charge. He picked up a starfleetish form of wet suit and diving mask which would intake the ocean water and create oxygen for the wearer to breathe. He hands it over to Sydney. "These should be the proper fit and size."




She took them with a nod, "Thank you."




"Put those on, and I shall meet you in transporter room one." Tethra looked at her once more "and please do not be liberal with the timing."




Sticking her tongue out at his back at that comment, she went off to change into wet suit. About fifteen minutes later she walked into the transporter room, her long hair tucked into a large bun.




Tethra watched as she arrived, he stood on the PADD dressed in nothing more than a tight fitting pair of shorts that had his commbadge fitted onto it. "I'd equip your mask and everything, right now."




"Why's that?" she asked, looking quite confused.




"We will transporting, directly to the Grand banks," Tethra paused for a moment "The water may not be joyful for you without your mask equipped."




Syd rolled her eyes, but complied. After doing so she gave him a thumbs up signal to let him know she was all set.




Tethra gave the officer in charge of the transport the signal to go and with that they beamed into the grand mass of the Atlantic Ocean. The day was clear and to either side of them they could see nothing but the grand ocean of Earth.




Sydney bobbed in the water for a moment, and then slowly turned around, realizing how far they were out. She popped the mask off for a moment to laugh. "When you said we wouldn't be hugging the coastline you really meant it!"




"The coastline is the most dangerous of any sea. Your species is unaware of that for they do not have the endurance to make it out this far and enjoy it." without another word he dived into the depths enjoying the rush as water filled his gills.




Not one to be left out of the fun, Syd popped her mask back on and dove down with him.




Tethra dived down deep, almost forgetting Sydney and her inability to sustain the great depths that he was far more than accustomed to. He looked up and noticed Sydney looking a little frantic as though she was about to be abandoned in the great Atlantic. He swam back up looking like a greenish Superman as he did it.




After a certain depth Syd could not see as well, and felt as though she was loosing her bearings. Even though she could breathe well still, and knew that she would not drown necessarily, she felt as though she should find up, and find it quickly.




~Do not worry; I've got you~ Tethra said to Sydney using his underwater telepathy (OMG! Tethra is aquaman) he grabbed her and pulled her to a less extreme depth and where she could better able to manage. ~I forgot your limitations, you are much like in water as I am on land~




Sydney kept very still while being held on to by him, wondering if she could actually hear him under all this water, or if was just her mind playing tricks on her. After a moment she tried kicking towards the surface feeling almost frightened at the whole situation.




Tethra let her go as they began to reach the surface. ~I believe you should return to the ship, you appear to be slightly frightened~




As Syd broke the surface she tugged her mask off and took deep breaths while kicking her legs to keep above water stance. She looked at him bobbing in front of him and asked, "What... the flipping heck... was that?"




"What was what?" He looked at her wondering what she was talking about. "There was a whale not so far away from us, if that is what you meant."




She looked at him speechless for a moment, trying to find the words to describe what she had just experienced. "You... were in... my head?" Even saying it out loud confused her. What was this thing that was before her?




"In you head, what do you mean?" he looked at her and her confused expression and realized what she meant. "Oh, my species communicates telepathically when underwater, the water amplifies our telepathy which is why it is only used underwater."




Sydney scoffed, "You could have warned me there buddy."




"I am sorry, I believed you were informed" Tethra looked at her "I apologize, for making a false assumption."




"It's... it's okay. It just startled me a bit, that's all." She sighed. "Maybe I should return to the ship."




Tethra nodded at her. "That would most likely be best"




She looked at him expectantly, as he did hold the commbadge on his pants.




Tethra got the message and requested for Syd to be beamed back the ship. He himself decided to stay in the water for a bit and perhaps swim to the mainland.




"Bye," Syd said before shimmering away and back to the ship. She shlomped (still be a bit wet) back to her quarters to change, wondering if she should have stayed or not and continued to swim with him. She scowled at herself, thinking not only had she screwed up with human lately, but also with... whatever Tethra was.



Lt.(jg) Tethra Shoeny

Medical Officer

USS Agincourt


Lt.Jg Sydney M. Richardson

Science Officer

USS Agincourt

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