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A meeting in sickbay

Nemesis lay still on the biobed for a few moments, as reality slowly returned to him. Everything around him was blurry, and his eyes burning with the massive amount of emotional and physical pain he was feeling. He was finally able to bring forth words, except only slight murmurs in his native Monkien tongue.


Miranda is looking over some work and hears something, when she turns around she notices Nemesis beginning to awaken. She walks over to him a little apprehensive "Please don't try and move you are in a security field"


Nemesis tried to turn his eyes over to where the doctor is standing but all he could see was a slow moving black blur heading slowly towards him.


"you had a heart attack, you are still very weak and need some rest you might be having a hard time breathing and seeing, but it will get better” Miranda slowly eased towards him to read the status the Monkien patient was presently in.


He just moans a common Monkien phrase, in attempts to say that he can not understand what it is that she is saying, but was unaware that the dialect that he was presently speaking was foreign to everyone aboard the Arcadian vessel excluding him.


Miranda looks at the Monkien small on human standards, but still dwarfing her and now speaking some gibberish… given, the last time she had seen him in sickbay she could not feel anything less than unnerved. She slowed her pronunciation "stay still". She scans him and sees that it will take a bit more time for him to get back to normal, whatever that is for him


After a few more moments Nemesis’ vision begins to become more and more clear as he looks over at her, and finally able to communicate in English he manages to say "I can't move"


Miranda having started on another project heard the faint plea for her simian patient and rushes over "Sir you need to stay still, you will be in a lot of pain for a while, just relax"


"I can't move!" Nemesis struggles to move "Why can't I move?" heart rate beginning to increase, obvious that he is becoming increasing more panicked each moment.


"Sir you are in a secure force field, you won't be able to" Miranda scrambling through her mind trying to equip that quick thinking that Starfleet medical is known for. "You need to calm down a bit alright" she starts to check his vital signs, rushes through her thought process to figure out how to appease this situation.


"I can't calm down!" coughing hard, Nemesis continued to struggle "Take down the forcefield! Please take it down!" He looks panicked, and bewildered… like a wild animal trapped in an unknown terroritory.


Miranda looks at him a bit hesitant "I am not allowed you, it is not my doing" Her voice strangely calm considering the fury she was feeling on the inside. She quickly figured out what she needed to do and tapped a few buttons on the head of the bed "I have widened the field a bit so you will have a bit more room"


Nemesis takes a few deep breaths as he is able to move his body a bit; it is highly noticeable that he was close to hyper-ventilating.


"I am sorry you must be a bit disoriented, you are in sickbay, and you had a heart attack and need rest the forcefield was a security precaution” Miranda said, a little worried on how he would react to those words.


"A heart-attack?" taking more breaths "That doesn't sound like something that need a security precaution" Nemesis slowly calmed himself to where he could breathe normally


Miranda looks around "It was not for the heart attack sir it was for…. uh other reasons, from what I understand" She knew what those reasons were, but was unsure exactly why they were. "I can remove it if you will reamain calm and stay here"


"What do you mean other reasons?" Nemesis inquired, almost completely unconcerned with the forcefield itself.


"Well…um…I know the last time I met with you weren't very...er…so nice so to speak" Miranda was aware she was beginning to loose composure, but was she to say? She regained her composure, for she knew that she had to keep these whole situation relaxed "I believe it was in response to that, but that is not the point, you had a major trauma, not only from the reawakening, but from the heart attack" She begins to catch her stride…"You need to rest and give your body time to recover, trust me on this"


"Then please put down this forcefield" Nemesis growled, though it was not an aggressive growl "I cannot rest with this glimmering prison around me, it is quite unnerving" Nemesis himself knew that a brash reaction would only leave him in this prison so he used every ounce of his control in his replies.


Miranda smiles at him and tries to make him feel a little more comfortable. "just rest and you will start feeling better, I’ll see what I can do with the forcefield" she nods slightly "alright, the field is as wide as it can go, rest and I will check on you in an hour and see how your progress is and I will see if we can get rid of it, please have faith that as your doctor I am doing everything in my power to help you" she takes a deep breath "I do not judge you for what you have done in the past, it frightened me when I met you, but I do not have any way to change how I feel or felt" She felt somewhat more at ease as she finished saying that. She grabs a hypo, feeling more safe to enter the Monkien’s enclosure. “This should help you rest.” She gently suppresses the Hypo in his arm.


Nemesis coughed and began to fall back to sleep, but was able to mutter a thank you before he drifted off to sleep. Miranda watched him fall asleep and took a sigh of relief and walked out of the field.


Ens. Nemesis

Security Officer

USS Arcadia


Dr. Miranda Porter

Medical Officer

USS Arcadia

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