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Avery Tynte


Avery shimmered back into existence in sickbay. After a brief moment orienting himself to his position, he began prepping for the treatment of the patient Dr. Porter and he had just brought in. He looked to the biobed on which the patient lay. He was not sure exactly what species this individual was, what he was sure of was that this being, this person, was dieing. Dieing, the word ran though his head like thunder. As a med student he had seen literally thousands of ill and injured beings. However, most of them were only minor injuries or illnesses and there was always an instructor or a trained professional watching him carefully. But now, the reality of the situation hit him hard: This being was dieing on that bed, Dr. Porter was doing her job…and it was up to him to do his.


“Let’s get him stabilized,” Miranda broke into his thoughts.


“Yes ma’am,” Avery replied automatically as he began moving equipment, switching on displays and monitors. His eyes moved to Dr. Porter. She was working with the skill and grace of someone that had been doing this a long time. Her hands seeming to move without conscious thought, her mind busy assessing the situation. As the two worked, Dr. Westler came over to assist. Avery noted out of the corner of his eye the first patient of the day, Ensign Sema’J, was now sound asleep on one of the biobeds. Good, Avery thought, remembering the conversation he had had earlier with the helm officer.


“He is stabilizing, he should be fine,” Dr. Porter again interrupted Avery’s thoughts. Avery breathed a sigh of relief and began to relax a little. Now realizing he had not done very much to help, but thankful it was over, and the patient stable. At that moment, a high-pitched whine was heard from across the room. Both Aaron and Avery rushed over to Sam’s biobed. Sam had fallen into to deep a sleep, his vitals dangerously low. Dr. Westler immediately injected Sam with a stimulant. Avery moved out of the way as Sam bolted upright. “Whoa, what happened?” Ensign Sema’J asked, a look of bewilderment on his face.


As Dr. Westler began explaining to Sam what had transpired Avery again slipped into his thoughts. Not a few minutes ago he had been standing in the Chief Medical Officer’s office. Dr. Andrea Knlwtchr had asked a few questions of him, and explained how she ran her sickbay. Avery was admittedly surprised at how brief the orientation had been. That is not to say he was not relieved however. He was actually quite pleased at how it had gone…until the end. Lt. Anderson had entered the office and after brief introductions the three sat down. Avery winced as he realized what a dunce he must have looked like. He was sure he had turned the brightest shade of red possible when Andrea had looked at him and said, “Could you excuse us for a moment?”


Another volley of alerts brought Avery back from the uncomfortable thought. “There seems to be a fire in holodeck 3,” Aaron said over his shoulder to Avery and Miranda. “Could you two go down there and see what is going on?” Aaron finished, still discussing the implementation of induced sleep with Sam. Grabbing the nearest med kit, Avery acknowledged Aaron with a nod. No wonder Dr. Knlwtchr’s orientation is so brief, Avery thought as he turned towards the door, The Arcadia does a pretty thorough one herself. On that thought, Avery dashed out of Sickbay.

Edited by Avery Tynte

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