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Which way did she go George?

Subject: Which way did she go George?

Date: Thu, Oct 17, 1996 9:34 PM

From: LCdrBlurox



::Blu had no idea what was going on.  Marak had sent them out to find the errant Captain, and the other missing crew members.  From an earlier garbled communication, it appeared that they were nearby, but the Republic needed to stay phased, and hidden from all the Rihan ships that were patroling this sector, so as not to start an interstellar incident.  That was why they had decided to risk sending out the Talesian again, even though it was damaged.  Thus, Erinna, Bubba and herself, took on the task ::  


::Erinna was guiding their incongruent vessel, while Bubba worked wonders. He was keeping them under the auspices of the Orion vessel image that she had earlier created, thanks to his apt maintenance of the half-fried holocloaking device.  Suddenly, Erinna alerted them that the life-signs in the ship they were trying to hail had disappeared.::


::No sooner had Erinna's statement registered with her, that they themselves, without warning, were caught in a transporter beam.  Blu went wild as soon as she appeared on the deck of the Republic's transporter platform, and realized where she was. She leaped off the pad, hit a command on the startled Transporter Chief's console, and just made it back to the pad in time to beam back to where she had came from, frevlently hoping the ship was still there to beam too.  If not, it would be a short trip.  She

was not about to lose this ship to anyone. The technology it contained was just too valuable, plus it's computer banks held way more data than she cared to share.  Besides, the Captain would skin her alive if she lost it after entrusting it to her. ::


::It seemed she had arrived none to soon, as someone else had boarded the Talesian. Someone wearing the insignia of a SF admiral, but one she didn't know.  He took one look at her, and hit his communicator, causing himself to be beamed away.  As he did this, a Romulan scout ship decloacked, and re-cloaked, leading to the conclusion that he must have went there.  Well, at least he didn't get the ship::


::Sitting at the controls, she heads it back towards SB 3, trying to control her earlier and more recent anger, and wondering just who, was going to explain this to her first!!::

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