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Personal log 9609.3

Subject: Personal log 9609.3

Date: Tue, Sep 3, 1996 4:09 PM

From: LieutJGDay



 Josh reached into his belt and pulled out a tricorder. He hoped that, like on the Ranger, that this interactive computer was also programmed into the ship's tricorders.

 Once he had opened the front panel, Josh began to speak, hoping for the best. "Computer..." The AI computer responded with a quick on-screen print of the word "Hello, sir."

 The Lieutenant JG smiled. "Ah, so you are in there. Okay, please open a personal log for me."


 Josh moved under a nearby tree and began to speak: >>Well, today was my first day on the job with this new crew. It appears that there are some mysteries to be solved as to what happened to the entire crew and why we're here at this planet, but I doubt the problem is severe...if it is a problem at all. Commander Blu Rox is still kind of unclear as to what is exactly going on, but we are helping eachother to find a conclusion.

 As for some personal stuff I wish to record...well...I have made a mistake along the way. Commander Blu Rox and I are becoming great friends as we work together. Unfortunately I made a statement directed towards her that may have been misinterpreted for a gesture of affection. It really wasn't that bad or anything, but I really must think about what I'm going to say before I say it. That's one of my weaknesses. I just can't always get my tongue to work with my brain.

 Oh well. Everything is okay now and my mind is back on track. I better close this log now and get back to what we were doing.


 "End log and save for uploading to the Republic database,....Mister tricorder." Josh chuckled as he closed the tricorder and headed towards his superior.

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