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It's off to work we go.

Chief Engineers Log, August 9, 2155:


We've reached the Nequencia system and met up with the fleet of ships to oversee the building of the Starbase and colony. Engineering has been given the task of terraforming the 3rd planet of the system. Commander Cole, and the science team have been sent down to select a site. We've been given 12 hours to prepare. The Starfleet Corps of Engineer's is sending a delegation to meet with my team to go over the plans for the colony. I've gone over the plans with Lt T'Parek and we've found several problems. I respect the Corp, but most planet bound engineers have no idea how things work in space. Ensigns Connor and Montague are preparing the equipment we're going to need. They're having some problems with the anti grav sleds. Moore called down and told me to meet the delegates in the launch bay. I headed down and met with them. The lead engineer was a Bolian. We proceeded to engineering to go over the plans and start the terraforming. More later.



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