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N’Dak had caught the glare tr’Psichore shot him as they dematerialized on the Oira of the Firestorm. He’d also saw the look of utter contempt in his eyes as he glared at N’Dak just before passing out due to blood loss, shock, and general trauma. Not that Destorie had na ever saw such a look before, in fact he’d gotten rather used to such glares.


To tell the truth, he frankly could care less if tr’Psichore was angry with him. Na thing N’Dak had done was severe enough to warrant major retribution on tr’Psichore’s part. The man had froze at a pivotal moment and nearly cost the lives of three crewmen, and if any report was filled about his own actions, he’d be sure to include that little piece of information in his report, at least he’d been decisive in his actions.


As he strolled down the corridors with his newest Diserhn in tow, t’Aehjae’s latest insurgence against his authority weighed heavily in his mind. She was correct, tr’Psichore would have likely been dead had he not been transported directly to Maenekan. However, N’Dak felt that given tr’Psichore’s own lack of respect for the lives of others, perhaps turnabout would have been fair play—besides he really didn’t care if that man died or not. He couldn’t imagine that t’Rexan could dig up anyone more ill tempered than tr’Psichore, so who ever would be next would have to be an improvement.


Then there were the survivors of the Firestorm. t’Rexan would want them alive, and would want to question them herself. However, that did na mean N’Dak wasn’t going to do some questioning of his own, assuming the lived through the Maenek staff. The thought of them dying before they could be properly…handled…irked him to know end.


The only factor that had kept N’Dak from going into one of his little fits of rage had been that they’d actually almost succeeded for a change with minimum losses, not to mention he’d managed to make it through an away team and not get injured…a personal best. Perhaps the Elements finally decided “Pick on N’Dak” was na longer a fun game to play…though he figured they had just taken a c’offee break.


Of course, being done with this mission only meant they’d be shipped off again on some half-baked Galae mission. Ah, the life of a Galae’Sahne. In retrospect, he knew know that he should have listened to his parents and went in to politics, at least then au do na get shot at nearly as often, and when au do…au usually know who’s pulling the trigger. But, he’d chosen this path and traveled too far to turn back now.


He glanced over his shoulder and the young female Diserhn walking a few steps behind him. “She hasn’t a clue what she’s getting into…”

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