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Hansel, Gretel? Pt 2

Subject: Hansel, Gretel? Pt 2

Date: Mon, Aug 12, 1996 6:56 PM

From: LCdrBlurox




Blu turned to Tess to see how she was doing.  She looked tired.  " You know Tess, Ann had a field pack with her,  full of food.  I just wish she had followed the instructions I had read in a Terran book that I was reading to Destiny the other evening."


"Instructions? You were reading a manual to Destiny?" a bewildered Tess asked.


"Well, it was a story I believe, that did discuss traveling off into an unknown area. You see, they began to drop bread crumbs....", Blu stopped in confusion as Tess was having to hold herself upright against a tree because she was laughing so hard.


"Breadcrumbs...," Tess choked out between giggles, "That dear Errrika, is a childrens bedtime story, told on Earth.   You're just too much, do you know that?" Tess had to wipe her eyes dry from laughing so much.


"Ha-ha..." replied Blu sarcastically, "Well, I was reading to a child after all."  Embarrassed,  and a bit miffed at Tess for laughing at her, she turned and took a reading with her tricorder.  "Tess, I'm not getting anything on them at all.  Either they have turned back already and we've missed them, or we are getting some type of interference from something in these foothills. Lots of rocks and caves up here.  At least I know they're smart enough not to go exploring into caves without letting us know

first.  They must be on thier way back. Try the yacht again, ok Tess?"


Tess contacted the yacht and was told that the others had yet to return, and that they would feel better if Tess and Errrika would return before dark themselves.


"Well, I suppose they are right, we can pick up in the morning, let's get back Tess. We should make pretty good time just following our marks back."  Blu and Tess, turned and left the small clearing, not even knowing that they had went right past the cave that the others had entered, and they marked the area on their tricorder as clear.

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