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Jake Walker

What was old is new again

"Pregnant? At your age? Mom......" was about all Jake could say.


"My AGE! Jake I am only 46. And since you have put your Star Fleet career ahead of starting a family SOMEONE has to keep the family growing" she said. Amanda Walker had a way of putting things sometimes.


Amanda Walker, Jake thought to himself for a second. "So who is the Father?"


"Well that's the other thing Jake. I wanted to surprise you on your last scheduled leave but you never came home. I didn't think it right to tell you over a comm system. But I met someone last year. He is a Doctor here at the Richland Medical Center. His name is Alfred McCoy and he is an Orthopedic Surgeon. We were married a couple months ago."


Jake was stunned. His Mother remarried. And pregnant to boot. He didn't know what to say. All he could do was walk over to his Mother and hug her. Just then the door opened and Dr Alfred McCoy came in. He recognized Jake right away from all the pictures his Mother had and walked over.


"Hello Jake. Alfred McCoy. Nice to finally meet you. Your Mother has talked about you so much I feel like I know you already!" he said as he put out his hand. Jake was totally disarmed by this man. Very humble and folksy. No wonder his Mother married him.


"Nice to meet you Dr McCoy." Jake put out his hand to shake, wondering what the shake would bring. Part of the first impression that Jake formed about people came from the shake. You can learn a lot about people just from their shake.


"Please, call me Bones. And they call you Snake, do they not?" Bones said as they started to shake hands. Jake was impressed by the shake. Firm and deliberate but not overpowering. The kind of shake that instantly transmitted respect. Not too many people had this kind of touch. The only other person that had this touch in his life was his CO Bull Moose.


Jake had a flash of emotion. Bull was not his CO anymore. The events of the last mission had claimed Bull, and Jake was only now starting to deal with that loss. Moose was becoming the Father he had lost to the Xindi, and now he was gone too.


"Snake, are you alright?" Bones asked. Jake snapped back into the moment and explained that it had been a hard mission and he had lost people close to him. Bones almost pulled him to his Den and poured him a drink. Jake was expecting some healthy-type drink, as that seemed to be the standard with Doctors. Jake was a bit surprised when the whiskey hit the back of his throat.


"I hope you like Tennessee whiskey Snake. Nothing takes the edge off of a hard day like a good ol' snort." Bones said as he belted his glass back.


Jake was gonna like this guy.

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