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The Cave...  Part 2

Subject: The Cave...  Part 2

Date: Sat, Aug 10, 1996 9:36 PM

From: ErinnaM



"I'm not sure about you two, but I will definitely appreciate this package."  And with that Ann led the way over to one of the caves.  Jade had taken out her phaser and fashioned two old fashioned torches from some branches and brush which she had discovered.  She and Ann enterred the cave.  Erinna was still outside when she looked up from her thoughts and called out.  Jade came running out of the cave with her phaser in her hand, alert for any problem.  "What's wrong?", Jade asked while scanning the

area for a possible defense.


Erinna pointed to the markings on the outside of the cave.  By this point Ann had also joined the other two.  "Are you trying to scare us all to death!", Ann said.  Erinna showed Ann the writing on the outside of the cave.  "It matches the glyphs on the knives.  This is the civilization which made these knives."  Erinna could feel her heart rate grow stronger.  Her blood pressure and respiration rates were rising as well.  They had inadvertently stumbled across the source of the knives.  "These caves

must contain some more clues as to who made these and what they mean."


"I'll take a recording of the walls for you, ma'am."  Jade pulled out a tricorder and made a scan of the outside of the caves.  


"I've dragged you two around enough for now.  Why not sit and relax.  I'd like to explore this cavern some.  How much trouble can I get in?"  She asked that question recalling her first mission after having been assigned to the Republic.  It had been Preserver ruins that time and she and half the crew almost didn't make it out.  She would be more careful this time.


Jade was not happy about this.  She would be certain the woman was always in her field of vision.  "Come on, Jade.  You'll learn soon enough that Erinna didn't command Starfleet because of her bedside manner.  And she still expects to be obeyed when she gives an order."  Ann and Jade found a fairly comfortable place to sit and talk which left Erinna free to explore the walls and outer perimeter of the cavern without being bothered.  "She'll come back here when she's examined every inch of this cavern

and not before."  Ann opened her package and handed the Lt. some juice and some kind of cake.  


Erinna walked over to the walls and found them covered with the same type of glyphs which were on the knives.  She made scans of every inch of the walls.  She would find her missing clue here, she was certain.  After some time had passed she stumbled over an area of the floor.  It was a raised dais of sorts.  Not very large but it had two openings in it which were slits.  She sat down to examine it more closely.  Slowly she removed the two knives from her belt.  She knew even before she inserted them

into the slits that they would fit.  Her hands trembled as she slid the second one into its place.  They fit.  As she turned and called to Ann and Jade, her hand brushed against one of the glyphs on the floor.  A mechanism eons old, deep in the bowls of the mountains was activated.  Two beams of light passed through the jewels on the hilts of both knives and merged in the space between the knives.  Erinna had been so intent upon placing the knives correctly that she did not notice the beam.  It

enveloped her in an amethyst light which carressed her gently.


[ To Be Continued... ]

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