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Home Again

a log by LtJg. Aaron Westler, Tactical Officer




Aaron walked up the drive of his families home. He was still getting used to the fact that 6 months had passed instead of a week. It sure didn't feel like it had. He reached the door and rang the bell, curious why there were no potted plants under the patio as his mom always had. The door opened and he looked up to see a man looking through the screen door.


"Can I help you?" the man asked. Aaron blinked. "I'm sorry, but who are you? This is my parents house." The man looked at Aaron. "Oh! You must be a Westler. I'm sorry son, but your parents moved out 3 months ago."


Aaron was confused. His parents had said they never wanted to move out of this house. "Oh. I'm sorry to have bothered you then. Do you know where they went?"


The man shook his head. "Sorry, they didn't tell me." Aaron nodded. "Thank you."


Aaron retreated down the drive, wondering what had happened.


((1 hour later))


Aaron walked down another driveway, this time it being his sister Jennifer's. It has started to rain, and he was soaking. He hoped that she hadn't moved as well. He rang the doorbell and waited, shifting his bag from one hand to the other.


The door opened and the person behind it looked out. She squealed. "Aaron!!!" Aaron was dragged into the house out of the rain. He smiled. It was Jennifer allright. "Hey sis."


Jennifer was ecstatic. "We were so worried Aaron, oh jeez you're all wet. Come with me." She pulled him into the master bedroom, and dug some some of Brad's clothes out for him. "Come into the kitchen when you're dry and changed." She rushed off.


Aaron took a second to think. Of course, Jennifer hadn't known Challenger had returned, it had only been a few hours. He quickly changed and walked down the hall to the kitchen.


Jennifer was making some coffee and food in the kitchen. "Oh Aaron, it's so good to see you, we've been worried sick! What happened?" She set a coffee mug in front of him.


"Beats me, " he replied, "I'm still confused at how we could have lost 6 months on Challenger. All our logs say we were out for a week."


She looked worried. "Out for a week?" Aaron nodded, rubbing his stiff neck. "We're still not sure what happened." He changed the subject. "What's going on around here? Why have mom and pop moved out?"


Jennifer looked at him, with somber eyes. "Dad died 4 months ago Aaron. Heart attack."


He sat back and exhaled. He knew he must have looked pale. He couldn't believe it.


"Mom is a wreck. First she lost you, then him. She's here with us now."


He tried to say something, but couldn't.


Jennifer put a hand on his shoulder. "I....."


Just then, their mom padded into the kitchen. She looked awful. She didn't see Aaron as she went to get a cup. Jennifer looked at Aaron, and sighed. Gretchen heard this, and turned around. She almost fainted when she laid eyes on Aaron. She held on to the counter for support, and Aaron immediately got up to help her in a chair.


"Oh my, oh my...Aaron?!?!" She gulped, and rubbed her eyes. He took a seat next to her and held her hands. "Yes, it's me mom."


She exploded into tears just as there was a sound of crying upstairs. Jennifer left quickly to take care of Chloe, the baby. Aaron rested a hand on his mother's shoulder.


Once she had regained her composure, Gretchen looked up at Aaron. "Aaron, I thought I had lost you. And then your father....oh, Aaron, your father. He..."


Aaron put a finger to her lips. "Jennifer told me. Don't worry yourself all over again. I'm ok."


She burst into tears again, and Aaron comforted her. Jennifer returned to the kitchen with Chloe in her arms, followed by 8 year old Lynn. Her eyes lit up when she saw Aaron. "Uncle Aaron! I, I thought you were missing!"


"Well, we found our way back Lynnie-poo, come give me a hug..." After he finally released her, he looked around at everyone else. Some people say home is where the heart is, and right then, Aaron knew he was home.

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