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Nightmares of evil and pain.

Chief Engineers log, July 25, 2155:


There is something really strange happening on this ship. I awoke from a fevered nightmare, barely remember it. I was in an evil, dangerous place trying to destroy something very large. The dream ended with feelings of overwhelming pain, from a type of gas. I awoke at my desk in my office in engineering. I walked out into ME to find Montague looking as bad as I felt. I got a comm from Graham asking if everything was OK in engineering, then Connor walked in looking as bad as myself and Lazarus. It seems that everyone had the same kind of nightmare I did. I contacted the bridge and Moore informed me that the whole crew was reporting the same experiences. I got my team to start running a ship wide diagnostic, and I checked the engineering chronometers. It seems they were off by a week or more. Ensign's Montague and Connor started arguing so I broke it up. Connor started getting very belligerent with me, something that was not like the usually cheerful Ensign. I had to order him to sickbay, then he stormed out. I informed Moore about the discrepancy's in the clocks and went about trying to find out what happened. I checked the life support log's and found spikes in the ship's internal temperature, spikes of 30 to 50 degrees or more. They were located on the bridge, engineering and the corridors. I informed the bridge and Moore agreed with me that we might have been boarded. Ensign Warren came into engineering and I got an instant quite enjoyable deja vu feeling about the planet Rysa. I asked M'rrisha if she'd ever been to the pleasure planet. She hadn't, neither had I. But, I had instant vague memories of us laying on the beach, having dinner together at a nice romantic restaurant, and other memories that were more interesting. She told me she'd been having the same feelings. When she left, I started running through the log's again. We reached Earth orbit and we're informed that we had left there for Cait six months prior, when in our reality it had only been a few weeks. We also cannot find Commodore Moose. He has completely disappeared. Moore has been promoted to Captain and placed in command until we find Moose. More later



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