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Cptn Elias Moore

First Officer's Log

"Call me crazy, but this mission is actually starting to look like it could work out alright. We've gotten clearance to the targets, and if the plans are as workable as the science and engineering teams are confident, we shouldn't have any problems completing our objectives.


"Everyone on my team is excited about the prospect of exploring future-ship... but now that we're on approach, I find myself disappointed. From out here, it looks like nothing more than an oversized child's toy. And it looks like one big aerodynamic nightmare, to be honest. Not like something from one hundred years in the future at all. But then, the engineering of the next century may simply be outside our comprehension. I wonder if the interior will look just as unremarkable? Nah, that's probably where the sophisticated technology crops up. I imagine their computers utilize a fancy holo-imaging interface, or something impressive like that.


"We can't get ourselves too wrapped up in studying the ship, of course, since we have our mission to perform. We're still relying on our cover, so we have to wait for confirmation that the science team has delivered the virus on the surface before we take out the ship. That will give us time to check out the ship's systems and make some mental notes to bring back home, but we'll have to be poised to overload its core when the time is right. We've even brought one of the doctors along, and I'm sure the ship's archives are overflowing with valuable medical information, but he has to be just as aware as the rest of us that the mission comes first. We've also got security--in case something happens that I really hope does *not* happen."

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