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Guest Lieutenant_JG_TParek

Lieutenant (JG) T'Parek

Lieutenant (JG) T'Parek

Duty Log

June 23, 2155


After becoming acquainted with this "parallel universe's" Science Lab, Lieutenant (JG) Grey and I formulated plans for infiltrating both the mysterious vessel known as the Defiant and the Imperial Headquarters. Grey and I worked with Challenger's engineers to effectively sabotage the Defiant's warp core. Apparently, Defiant's place ... time of origin uses a similar warp drive to our own.


Engineering was assigned the task of creating a computer virus to wipe out the Defiant records at the palace while Science looked for weaknesses in both the Defiant and the Imperial Headquarters. Science is currently working towards that objective.





Personal Log


Even in an alternate universe, being ordered to perform acts of sabotage upon another vessel seems ... unthinkable. It is somewhat disconcerting to hear one's commanding officer instructing you to figure out a way to destroy another vessel in seemingly cold blood, regardless of how savage a culture they may be. What of ]Defiant'screw? We must also plan for a way to remove them to a safe location while their vessel is destroyed.


In all of my time and experience among humans (or as they are called in this universe, "Terrans"), I have never been faced with more personal and moral dilemmas than now.


And what of these creatures who are controlling the fabric of time and space ... the Tholians? What gives them the right to determine what universe we belong in ... what technology each universe has? I suppose that these questions are not necessarily important ... they can only get in the way of my duties. But ... one must wonder.


As an observer, I find the way that non-human cultures are treated in this universe appalling. How does my counterpart bear with such atrocities? I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to work, knowing that one small mistake in a field equation could be punished with hours in a device made to constantly keep one in agony.


The differences between the two T'Pareks as shown in her personnel file are also astounding. In the instance that I came aboard Challenger willingly ... wishing to share my knowledge and gain that of the humans, my "mirror" was a prisoner; the last of a destroyed outpost. In the universe that I am accustomed to, I follow the orders of Lieutenant Giovanni as any loyal Starfleet officer would; in this universe, I nearly died of a punishment from trying to assassinate him.


The moral and ethical differences are not all that have changed between dimensions. Additionally, my counterpart seems to wear a garment that can hardly be called a uniform. Apparently all females here wear attire that has a bare midriff and a tighter cut. On the other hand, the only difference in the male uniforms is a more militaristic form of decoration and the lack of a department-designating stripe. I must also experiment with ways of keeping one's hair off of one's face when it is long. The annoyance of such an illogical length is ineffable.


If nothing else, this is sure to be a fascinating experience.




Memorandum: Be certain to care for the mirror T'Parek's cat. No feline should go hungry, regardless of who her owner is.

Edited by Lieutenant_JG_TParek

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