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"Marriage, Honeymoon, and the Life to Come"

Davies Logs

Captain Simeon Davies

Commanding Officer

USS Agincourt NCC-81762



“Marriage, Honeymoon, and the Life to Come”


Simeon had once remembered reading about post-nuptial depression, or PND, in a medicine journal while waiting for his scheduled physical at Starfleet Academy some two decades ago. The article had struck him as humorous at the time. Now he was wondering if he was starting to have his own version of PND. The wedding was over and the honeymoon too. Suddenly life seemed so mundane.


When a new Commanding Officer takes command, it’s analogous to a marriage, the two becoming one. The officer feels purposed, mission-driven, hopefully optimistic. He believes that around every turn there will be adventure, and believes that the ecstasy that he has been building up to will last forever. The ship itself, the bride, responds in a similar manner. She is willing to help the officer achieve his mission, as she tries her best to be a support to him. Together they work as a team, bound together with strands of intimacy, growing in passion, respect and commitment.


But something seems to happen over time, which threatens the purposed union. Complacency. The officer seems to lose some of his sense of adventure, and his idealistic outlook becomes tainted by the realism of his life. The ship too seems to take on the attitude of her partner. She becomes used to life the way it is and slowly but surely becomes disconnected, less of one, more of two.


Simeon Davies was beginning to feel the affects of his love silently and slowly drifting away. He had not planned this, nor was this desire. Yet, the harder he tried to become joyful in everyday life, the more difficult it was becoming. The eidetic images in his mind of speeding across the galaxy and solving the universe’s problems still seemed real, but somehow, he began to feel as if they were an illusion, an enticing carrot before him that he could not reach.


The wedding was over; that was certainly true. The launching ceremony had long since passed. Now, it seemed the honeymoon was over too. The Pax Primus incident had fulfilled his hopes for excitement and adventure, but now, hovering over a remote Klingon colony, Simeon almost felt like a caged animal. It wasn’t as if he didn’t love his job anymore, or enjoy his position, it was more that he was searching for more, for a deeper satisfaction in life.


Simeon ran his fingers on the arm of his chair. There was so much he felt he was missing, so much he needed to learn. Now that he was on the top of the world, or so it seemed to him, he felt he needed to return to learn some of the simpler things of life. How does one find complete joy, how does one love unconditionally, how does one break out of the mold of complacency.


Hours later, Simeon sat in a corner of one of the last deck of the vessel, listening to the pacifying song of his spouse, pondering these things.

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