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Cptn Elias Moore

Mission: Improbable

The console is activated, revealing a vivid blue swirl surrounding a vague shape highlighted by two pinpoints of light. The shape moves slowly and erratically as a deep voice emerges from the speakers.


"Commodore Moose, I regret that we could not meet in person. I am Rubik, Subcommander in the Tholian Assembly Fleet and commanding officer of the ACS Rubikon, the primary support vessel of the Directorate of Interdimensional Affairs and the flagship of the Directorate fleet.


"You have no doubt been informed by your chief engineer of the circumstances of your arrival in Dimension 13 and the mission which you must undertake to preserve the integrity of the space-time continuum. We have transferred to this ship's computer supplemental information that will be vital to the completion of your mission.


"The tactical data is of utmost importance. The Sol system of Dimension 13 is a veritable fortress which will admit no 'sub-Human' that is not under tight Imperial control. This is of no concern to your crew, of course. But these Humans take no chances, and they fear the enemy within as surely as the forces diverted against them from outside. Both the USS Defiant and the Imperial Palace are well guarded.


"Review the tactical overlays provided. Defiant maintains a synchronous orbit directly above the Imperial Palace. At all times, short range fighter crafts surround the vessel at a cautious range, providing the Empress' cherished prize with ample protection. They can strike swiftly, they can strike hard, and they will allow no vessel to breach their perimeter without clearance granted directly by the Empress' staff. A frontal assault on Defiant would be foolish and would result in even this impressive vessel's prompt obliteration.


"At all times, Defiant's corridors are patrolled by agents of the Imperial Guard, the Empress' own private contingent of MACO warriors. They are among the finest of their organization. They protect the vessel from internal sabotage and keep the technicians studying its technology in line. Their chief standing order is to seek and eradicate anyone boarding the vessel without proper clearance. They do their jobs well.


"Blueprints of the Imperial Palace are included within. No expense was spared in its construction. It is equal parts mansion and stronghold. The finest of the Imperial Guard patrol its halls. The central computer of the Terran Empire is at the heart of a vast network of catacombs beneath the Palace. The blueprints include the layout of these catacombs. The Imperial civilization relies heavily on its central computer. To destroy or otherwise render nonfunctional this computer would result in greater damage to the continuum. I stress again that you must target only the data that has been extrapolated from Defiant.


"The bodies you now occupy are meaningless. Should you or any of your crew die in this Dimension, you would return immediately to your own bodies, alive. But as your own bodies are currently imprisoned in Tholian stasis crystals, I would advise you to ensure mission completion before succumbing to such an end. Successful completion of the mission free of further damage to the continuum will be the only means of your release.


"Do not fail."


The image fades, leaving a blank screen.

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