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give 'em the antidote

Dr Desdemona Levy

Chief Medical Officer

A Log by Levy – Give 'em the antidote (duplicity log)



Mona, with the help of her small team had unpacked the supplies and set up a small control center. She had started to work on the medication. The treatment of ‘Iwpey, was very simple, it took a few minutes to create the antidote. Two medications by themselves had no effect, but when mixed they could save lives. The only drawback was it had to be mixed right before it was used, that was the key. If they were mixed and left together for a long period of time it could be fatal. The duplicity of the antidote amazed her, on minute helpful the next harmful. She looked at the two vials in her hand then back to her team. She had instructed everyone on what they needed to do and now they were scurrying around like ants. She paused for a moment looking out at the sea of infected people. Even as a doctor she was shocked at times how something that seemed so unassuming can lead to so much devastation. “So many people suffering.” She thought, “Put up a mental wall. This was no time to get overwhelmed with emotion.” Quickly she focused back to the problem on hand. Get the medication ready and get it to the people. Every doctor on the planet was exhausted so it was up to her and her staff to quickly asses the situation and get things under control. She resolved herself to do just that. As she had told Mia early this mission was a get in, help, and then get out. She didn’t mean it in a mean way, but she thought the best kind of doctor was the one who could help quickly and efficiently and that is what she would do.

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