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"Unknown Factors"

May 11, 2397

Ensign M’rrett “Kansas” JoN’s, Assistant Security / Tactical Officer

USS Agincourt NCC-81762

Personal Log – “Unknown Factors”


The Agincourt had reached the Klingon colony world of Vechwa. Kansas was on duty in the main security office reading the mission data regarding Iwpey epidemic raging through the colony. She really did not like what she saw and there were too many unknown factors. With a low snarl, she continued reading.




“Left untreated, Iwpey is 85% fatal:


-severe pain throughout body

-loss of sensation and/or function in extremities


-organ failure”


“Patients are infectious 24-72 hours after onset”


“Transmission occurs primarily through direct contact (touching, kissing, sexual contact, contact with secretions or open sores), although it has also been known to spread via vector

(animal/parasite) transmission.”


“Why in the name of frrrrag are we here then?” Kansas asked out loud to no one in particular. “Thisss ssshould be handled by a trrrrained medical or sssciences tasssk force, not the Agincourt, mrrowl. “ Her accent was thickening with her level of aggravation. She stood up from the desk and started pacing around the office, tail swishing, deep in thought.


She sighed. Just admit it to yourself Kansas – you don’t like the sound of this disease. It scares you. A disease isn’t a visible enemy, and you can’t track this particular enemy with your tricorder or your senses. It is a sneaky adversary, striking when least expected. A silent killer.


What would Dad say? “It’ss yourr job, kiddo.” And then he would wink at her. Kansas smiled at a memory of her Dad that came to her mind.


Fifteen years ago, there had been an accident in one of the academy sciences labs. No one had been hurt, but several non-lethal chemical gasses had been released, and when they formed together, the resulting cloud had been lethal. Her father, S’rrich, and his security team from JDK had been called in to keep the area locked down while a hazmat team did their work to contain the fumes. Kansas had been a young teen at the time, and had been very worried about her father’s safety.



When she approached him about her concerns, he said “It’s my job kiddo. Security is needed to keep people away from the contaminated area. It’s what we do; keep people safe.” These words had stayed with Kansas, and she could still learn from them.


If the Agincourt was diverted to deal with this crisis at the colony, it was because they were the best


With a confident nod, Kansas sat back down at the console and resumed her perusal of the mission information.




"Vechwa was first settled in 2342 as a small military outpost…Its purpose was to act as a listening post and forward base against possible Romulan incursion. Starfleet Intelligence speculates that it also served the same function against the Federation…


Although the military base remains, the colony is now primarily



'Iwpey rop was diagnosed more than 300 years ago. There has not been a documented case of the disease since 2302."


The Caitian lifted an eyebrow, exited the program and turned off the console


A former Klingon military base that is under siege by a disease thought to be eradicated. Interesting. The premise reminded her of an old earth holo film regarding a base that had been doing all kinds of tests in genetic engineering and military studies. One day, it all backfired. Several biological creations were accidentally released. The bases automatic defenses locked down, sealing the researchers inside. They all turned into mindless zombies.


What was that film called? Dawn of the Evil? Resident Dead?


Kansas made a note to herself to watch the holo film when she was off duty. Hell, it might give her some pointers.


The security officer headed to the Cargo Bays to patrol and check on the much needed colony medical supplies.

Edited by Kansas_Jones

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