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F.U.B.A.R. May 24, 2155

Chief Engineers Starlog, May 22, 2155,


I cannot believe how fragged up this mission has gotten. We start out on a nice pillage of an unsuspecting planet, now I don't know what the hell's going on. First off, I'm minding my own buisness monitering my lacky's as they picked through the kitty cat ruins looking for some nice jucy felinoid technology when the old man calls me up to the bridge. And, what does he do? He put's me in irons. Tell's me that he's not happy with my performance. If I wasn't so dedicated to my engines, I'd have stabbed him in the chest there and then, but I'm not looking for advancement. I'm happy crawling through the conduits, babying my engines, hangin' with Ens M'rrisha and torturing my lacky's. ::grin:: Speaking of which, I've had trouble with them too. Ensign Connor is in sickbay laying about, and I don't know what's gotten into Ensign Montague. I know something wasn't right, I could feel the deckplates rumble unfamiliarly. I finally managed to fanagle my way out of the brig thanks to Ens. Vank. It would have been easier if it had been Ens. M'rrisha. All I would've had to do with her was to flash my baby blues, give her a little kiss, and I'd have been a freebird. That little pistol toter is head over heels for me. ::laughs:: I headed to engineering as soon as Vank sprung me, and I got my weapons. When I arrived, I checked the readouts. Yep, something was wrong all right. Someone had tampered with the flow ratio. The antimatter stream was about to cascade and tear the ship apart. I could hear the reactor, and the injector straining their rivet's. I immediately shut everything down and rekey'd the formula sequence. After the reactor cooled a bit, I restarted it. It purred like a kitten. I knew who had done this, Ens Montigue. I'll bet he tried to key in Starfleet's new formula and fould my engines up. He's been eyeballin' me since he got on board this ship. I think the punk want's my job. Ha, a few minutes in the agony booth will change his career obsession. I walked into my office, poured me a glass o' Jack and sat back. I was deep in my own thoughts of mine and M'rrisha's last shoreleave when I heard footsteps on the deck outside my office door. I keyed in the security cam outside on my monitor and saw young Montigue at the panel. So, he was going to finish what he started. I decided to play Montigue's Tybalt and walked out, phase pistol in hand. I could see him fidle with the buttons and saw the screen with the mantenence reports pop up. I asked him what he was doing, he sounded very nervous. I was about to stun him, when he grabbed my shoulder and everything went black. I'm going to have a nice commanding officer to lacky talk with him when I find him. I haven't sent anyone to the agony booth in a while. When I awoke, Dr. Jas, T'parek and Lt. Grey were standing over me. Lt Grey had stunned the elusive Montgue. I got up and checked the readouts. Montigue was trying to access the lockout protocals for sickbay. I scratched my head. Grey asked me the weirdest question. He asked if I was me, myself. I gave him a smart assed answer about torturing lackys and he grinned. Of course I was me, who else would I be. He asked me if there was anyway to immoblize everyone on the ship but us, and lock down engineering. I asked him what was going on. He told me that there were copy's of some crewmembers around the ship, including the commander, something about a parallel universe or something. He said that Moose was ok, but trapped on the bridge. I started keying the sequence in to lockdown engineering and flood the rest of the decks with Anestazine gas. I looked out of the corner of my eye at Doc Jas. She was looking around dully, mutter to herself about something feeling strange. I looked over at Lt Grey, he was noticing it too. I didn't have time for trying to subdue a paniced female, so I raised my phase pistol and stunned her. I told Grey it would be a few minutes before the security protocal could be sequenced in, so he might want to tie Jaz and Montigue up for the time being. Oh boy, the agony booth is gonna be humming later. ::laughs out loud:: More later.


For the Glory of the Empire, and the Emperess!!

Lt(jg) Daryus J Williams

Chief Engineer, I.S.S. Challenger.

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