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Mithraia Coeur

"New Adventures"

"New Adventures" - Midshipman Mithraia Coeur, MD

Stardate 051605


(This log takes place after her Academy graduation and prior to arriving on the Agincourt.)



The PADD had been sitting on her dresser for a few hours. Mia had decided not to look at it yet, but instead, stare at the stars moving by in a slow dance outside her room's windows. She had been back on the USS Constantine for two days, spending time with her adoptive parents. Being around them felt good; they always had a calming, soothing effect when she was in their presence.


Her mother's gentle voice floated into the room before she entered, and Mia smiled slightly .. though still keeping her focus on the passing stars outside.


"I just can't get over what a lovely ceremony it was. Definitely different from my own Academy graduation." Katrina Coeur mused, placing a small tray of fruit, cheese and crackers in front of Mia. She couldn't help but want to take care of her adopted daughter .. from the moment she first laid eyes on her. She had never been able to have her own children .. and Mia swept into her life one day and she never regretted their decision to adopt her. Even though the journey had been a rough one .. here she was; transformed from a broken youth .. into a successful, intelligent young officer. And a Doctor to boot!


"Yes, it was nice. I was glad to have it over and done with. Finally able to move on with my career." Mia stated. She had never enjoyed her time at the Academy on many different levels. Sure, she loved the classes, the work, the professors.. but on a social level, Mia had been a loner. She preferred the company of her books and studies than to deal with untrustworthy people all the time.


Sitting down next to her daughter and helping herself to a piece of fruit, Katrina smiled at Mia and gestured toward the PADD on her dresser, "If you are in such a hurry to move on .. why are those orders just sitting there?"


"I .. I wasn't really ready to see where I was going yet. I was just .. I was just going to look." Mia exhaled a bit, her ever-present stuttering problem coming to the surface. Katrina gently squeezed her daughter's shoulder.


"Then go take a look. The future is bright, my dear. You have come a long way.. and it can only go uphill."


Mia nodded and stood up, grabbing a piece of cheese and biting into it before walking over to her dresser. There it sat. The PADD that would hold her future. Her assignment for the next undetermined amount of time. Her new world. Her new home. She picked it up and pressed a few buttons...



To Miss Mithraia Coeur-


Congratulations on your recently graduation from Starfleet Academy. You are among the many graduates out there who are looking forward to their first assignment in Starfleet. The Federation has it's strictest confidence your abilities and it is with great pleasure to inform you that you will be joining the crew of the USS Agincourt, on it's maiden voyage. It is a much sought-out assignment, so make the most of it.


Please report to the USS Agincourt one day before it's launch to get settled. You will be reporting to Doctor Tethra Shoeny, the Chief Medical Officer. Godspeed on your assignment.


Commander Loren Fidel

Personnel Management

Starfleet Academy



There it was, and Mia exhaled a long breath, "I have been assigned to the Agincourt. I have heard about the ship .. it's new. I am part of it's first crew."


"Oh! That's absolutely wonderful.. your father will deeply pleased. A ship on it's maiden voyage! .. do you understand that you will be a part of history? My sweet, precious Mia.. a history maker." Katrina jumped up from her seat and embraced the petite redhead. She could barely contain her excitment.


Deep down, Mia was excited about her new assignment. But a history maker? It wasn't important to her to be a part of history. She had plenty of not-so-pleasant history behind her. All she wanted was to move on with her life, do something with it and perhaps become a more complete person. The Agincourt was a new ship, with a new crew.. and new adventures ahead. Mia didn't want to be the one broken thing on this ship...

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