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"Beginning to Learn"

“Beginning to Learn”

Davies Logs

Captain Simeon Davies

Commanding Officer

USS Agincourt | NCC-81762

March 26, 2397 (Sim time)




One shot from a Romulan warbird is all that it takes to shatter an idealistic spirit. For each individual there is a fine balance between realism and idealism. We all know how the universe works and what effects come from what causes. Yet, it is just as typical for the human spirit to long for something greater, to have something to hope for beyond the status quo of reality. Captain Davies struggled with this tension. On the one hand, he was a strong advocate of the Treaty of Versailles and saw it as a sign of Kantian-like solidarity amongst the humanoids of a great percentage of the alpha and beta quadrants. Davies did not buy that Hobbesian approach to intergalactic affairs that all peace is a preparation for another war. On the other hand, he was not too naive to believe that the Versailles treaty was the end of all war and conflict between the major powers. The scuffle between the Agincourt and the Ironclaw was enough to show him that.


Despite this unpleasant reality, Davies was beginning to learn that there were greater issues looming. Several questions about their last mission had still gone unanswered. Admiral NDak mentioned that the Romulans who had carried out terrorist acts against Federation citizens and property had not been members of the Galae. What faction, then, were they apart of? An equally as puzzling question was the relationship between these non-Galae Romulans and the Remans. Could it be that the Tal Shiar had swallowed their pride and accepted an alliance with the Remans? Such a concept would have been inconceivable just ten years previous, but with the near destruction of the Tal Shiar towards the end of the Romulan Civil War, anything was possible.


Davies wondered if this was just the beginning of a trial that the alliance would have to weather. If it was indeed true that the Tal Shiar and Remans had allied and were resorting to guerilla warfare and terrorist practices against the alliance, then the alliance would have to react quickly to such a growing threat. Regardless, the terrorists appeared to be quite resourceful having gained classified information about the whereabouts of strategic Federation and Romulan facilities. What’s worse, they used their military prowess to eliminate an entire force of Starfleet security personnel without suffering significant losses.


Could such a well-trained and apparently well-organized resistance damage or even destroy the peace and the unity that had been achieved? Davies knew that the idealists’ answers would be that the bond of peace between the great powers would be enough to overcome any resistance, while the realists’ answers would be that should the costs of being in an alliance be greater than the benefits and should the security and interests of any of the great powers be threatened, then this might spell the end of the historic alliance. As a Starfleet Captain under a military organization with a new philosophy of deterrence, Davies believed the latter, but as a man, as part of the human race, he clung to the former.

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One shot from a Romulan warbird is all that it takes to shatter an idealistic spirit.

Au have learned quickly Lloann'na Fvai. ::plays with a bell:: Perhaps next we can train au to speak...or perhaps play yy'a?

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