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It must be a Full Moon

Gathered in the main D’Heno briefing room were the senior D’Heno staff, all of which had arrived promptly at N’Dak’s request. The group of 23 sat pondering as to why they had been called for this unscheduled staff meeting.


“Perhaps,” one of the more surely individuals said. “N’Dak has gathered us here to tell us he is resigning and making tr’Rehpog the new Daise!”


“Na…na…na…” another said chuckling. “Maybe he is here to tell us that t’Aehjae is going to replace him!”


The room had turned into a laughfest, with all of them taking cheap shots at their absent boss.


“Or…Or…” another io said between laughter. “He’s going to invite us all over for ale and a whipping…and a t’Rexan Effigy burning!”


“Ha…wonder if it would have the hook!”


“Hook’em t’Rexan!”


“Enarrain tr’Hook as the Lloann’na would say!”


“Oh…na…” another said, trying to act serious. “He’s going to let us be the first to know that he and Laehval are being bonded!”


“Oh ie,” another said, “I hear their having t’wins!”


All 23 of the Rihans in the room were doubled up with laughter, so much so they had na even heard N’Dak slip into the room about two jokes in.


“Na…” N’Dak said loudly. “Perhaps he is going to just yy’a the qiuu of au and get it over with before some Klivam Fvai does it for him, besides we qiuu know that it is Issaha that Laehval can na resist.”


Almost immediately the entire room froze as N’Dak’s shiny boots were the only sound echoing off the walls as he made his way to the podium, a rather amused look on his face.


“Really,” he said, chuckling. “Au are as bad as the s’ewing circle the Maenekan nurses have going.”


Unsure of what to do, they all made a very forced laugh come out, not sure if he would yy’a the entire lot of them.


“H’na,” he said turning to a much more serious, though not angry, tone. “Qiuu are wondering why I have called this meeting, na?”


They nodded, still not exactly sure if he was going to yy’a them or not.


“Several reasons,” he said looking at his ISD. “First off, let me congratulate au on an excellent batch of duty reports, I found them most excellent. Secondly, t’Rexan has approved my plan to renovate the Br’tehh so very soon we are going to begin modifying the br’tehh. Thirdly, as some of au may be aware, there was an attempt rhae the Deihu’s life.”


N’Dak was na sure…at this point…which they were more shocked about, the attempt on the Deihu’s life or him congratulating them, he smirked and continued.


“I am going to be personally overseeing the investigation, na because I do na trust au…because I do…but because I wish to see how my own security protocols were…subverted. However, we will be stepping up security on the entire vessel as a result of this, untill we can determine that there is na longer any danger aboard the Talon.”


He paused. “This means that I am going to have to ask au to double shifts, as I wish to keep at least rhi guards on every deck at qiuu time.”


N’Dak paused as he heard muffled groans. “I know, I know. It is a lot to ask of au. But I do na do this because I wish to work au to yy’a. I do this because au are the best D’heno in the Galae, and I know that qiuu can handle the extra work load.”


He stopped and looked towards tr’Dan. “tr’Dan, au will be in charge of securing the VIP quarters. They h’na are off limits to everyone except myself, t’Aehjae, t’Rexan, tr’Psichore, auself and tr’Loehl. I want thi guards posted at qiuu entrances to the VIP area. Na io goes in that is na ‘on the list.’ Any io else is to be taken into custody unless they have either mine, tr’Psichore or t’Rexan’s permission, which au will verify with US before allowing them in. t’Aehjae is still in charge of the Deihu’s personal security, and au will report to her as well, ssuej-d'ifv?”


tr’Dan nodded. “Ssuaj-ha, Rekkhai!”


“Io more thing,” he said, tapping his ISD. “The Daise’Maenek has brought it to my attention that some of my Diserhn’s are taking their physical training a bit to…strenuously. While I appreciate that they are…working hard. It is imperative that they stay healthy. I can na defend this vessel with a D’Heno of bruised and battered Saehnes.”


Those in the room nodded.


“Remind au teams that when training, they must use moderation. And also to use the safety protocols—they are there for a reason. This applies to both on duty training and off duty training. I do na appreciate being browbeaten for a 16% raise in D’Heno injuries.”


He smirked. “The only injuries I want to see are the ones *I* inflict.”


The senior D’Heno smirked ever so slighty, that…they were almost sure…was a joke.


“But seriously, we must qiuu be more careful on the job as well, it really is difficult to protect the ship with out a healthy d’heno, na to mention the extra work it makes for the Maeneks, who already work tirelessly to assure that we are properly cared for…besides…do any of au really want to be subjected to the Evil Daise’Maenek more than au have to…”


He winked at them with a sly grin.


“H’na,” he said looking through his ISD once more. “I believe that is qiuu, au have au orders, be sure and brief au teams, I want the extra security in place by 2300. Dismissed,”


With that, N’Dak tucked his ISD under his arm and strolled out into the corridor headed for Engineering.


The D’Heno in the room could na believe what they had just witnessed. A Staff meeting where N’Dak had na only na threatened a member of the D’Heno staff with yy’a, but he had been down right personable.


“Well,” io finally spoke. “That was a side of him we have na seen before…it must be a full moon.”

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