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Plain Pathetic

It was eerily quiet in Sickbay, especially with so many people milling about. All of Reaent's medical personnel had been called in. Most still remained in Sickbay, waiting for the anticipated flood of patients from the Cairo. So far, there had been no word from the damaged vessel, much less any patients.


      Debbie's "bad feelings" about the situation grew worse with each passing minute. The bridge was feeding the image from the main view screen to consoles throughout the ship. Debbie found herself at her desk, staring somberly at the screen. Several others huddled behind her. It took a few minutes for the shock to wear off. During that time, no one said a word.


      "The whole aft section is gone," commented one of the onlookers.

      "I don't suppose they have life support."

      "They're adrift....no power....and they're leaking like a sieve," sighed Debbie. "Even from this distance you can see at least three major hull breaches." She leaned forward and pointed to the screen. "Look at this one. That one alone compromised every deck in that section."


      They remained quiet as the magnitude of the disaster seeped into their collective consciousness.


      "What would cause that kind of damage? Was there a warp core breach?" asked another of the staff.

      "There's no evidence of a warp core breach," answered Studly. "But something sure went wrong."

      "It must have been a very powerful explosion. But what exploded?"

      "Who knows?"

      "It looks like they lost almost everything aft of engineering," mused Debbie.

      "Where is engineering?"

      "Right about here, just forward of the cargo bays." Again Debbie pointed to the pitiful image of the now derelict Cairo. "And look at this! It took out the impulse engines too!


      Another long pause followed.

      "What's the crew compliment on an Intrepid?" asked Sudly, kneeling down beside the CMO.      

      Debbie turned and met his gaze. "Between 150 and 170 souls."

      Rocco glanced away for a moment and then looked at Debbie intently. "Is it possible no one survived over there?"

      The CMO returned her attention to the image on the console before her. "It's not only possible, it's becoming more and more probable."


      Someone behind her cursed softly while Studly dropped his head into his hands For the next several seconds, they all pondered the enormity of what lay before them. They'd known almost from the beginning there would be casualties. But the reality of the situation was uglier than any of them expected.


      It was Debbie who broke the silence. "Those of you who came in early or stayed late may stand down. But be available for a quick recall." The little group broke up with each going his or her way. Some back to their quarters, others to neglected chores in and around Sickbay.


      She looked at Studly, still kneeling beside her. "Sooner or later, the crew of the Cairo will be transported off that ship. Some, if not all, will come here. We need a place for them."


      Rocco Studly pushed himself to his feet and took a deep breath. "I'll make the arrangements." He started to walk away but turned back after taking only a couple of steps. "I thought it was sad we had to prepare a cargo bay to house patients. But converting that bay into a morge....that's just plain pathetic."


      He turned on his heel and quickly walked away, his anger clearly visible in his hurried steps. Debbie wondered if Rocco had been able to tell from her expression that she felt the same as he. The entire situation was plain pathetic.

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