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The Missing Pieces-Personal Log of Lt.(jg) Lo'Ami

=/\= Personal Log of Lt.(jg) Arphazad Lo'Ami =/\=


::Begin Recording::

Personal Log, Stardate 10303.18; Ever since I arrived back on the Arcadia, my memory of the events of the last few days... or weeks... has been fading.  There are, however, two noticeable differences.  The first is that my recurrent back pain and flashes of memory are gone.  I only recall having the worst attack while on some foreign ship.  Then, it was gone.  Given time, I will check this out at sickbay, just to make sure there is nothing still wrong.  


The other obvious difference is the hole left in the science department by the death of Crewman Kawalas.  I was her acting commanding officer in the science department on the away mission - a mission on which I was responsible for bringing her along.  How do I write a final log entry in her file?  How do I apply meaning to a death that was entirely without purpose?  The captain, and, to a lesser extent Cmdr. Alces must deal with situations like these on an unfortunately more-or-less regular basis.  Perhaps asking their advice is in order.  


We have left the Vogarts, presumably as friends, given theit gift of a dilithium crystal.  While my tricorder data is as full of holes as my own memory, some day, when we're ready - and after much more considered thought and controlled experiment - we will be able to reconstruct it and retry the hypertachyon drive.  I, and the science department, refuse to be caught by another hidden asymmetry again!


=/\= End Recording =/\=

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