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Cptn Elias Moore

First Officer's Log

"I'm sitting here in a barely powered shuttle pod, trying to avoid the torches and buzzsaws cutting through the hatch, while contemplating the series of events on the surface of Cait V. I don't know if we achieved success in the Caitian Trial of Wisdom since I don't even know what our task was. If our goal was one of survival, we all did a bang-up job, despite getting thoroughly banged up. If we were to retrieve the 'ball' we failed miserably.


"The 'ball' was some kind of electronic device, seemingly little more than a glowing mass of wires. We didn't have the opportunity to study it without our tricorders, but we were at least able to surmise that the device was responsible for our power problems, and might have been responsible for the volcanic eruptions that occured as soon as it was removed from its bridge. Lieutenant Krasner's suggestion to destroy the device was keen thinking on his part. With streams of molten lava closing in and the pod's power fluctuating like mad, destroying it may have been the only way to escape. I only hope we haven't failed our trial, and I must say I'm dismayed that we lost the opportunity to study the curious device...


"I've received a report from the Bridge that Cait came under a brief attack from unknown invaders while we were away. It seems that the Bridge officers offered no response to the attack since they were too busy getting us safely away from the volcanic tempest--already cause to believe that our little excursion was a failure. I haven't gotten many of the details yet, being stuck in this box, but I won't be surprised if the Caitians are awfully ticked at us when we return."

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