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My, What a Fast Plot You Have

Goodness, thing moved fast on this ship. And it’s not just warp drive.


Murray stood on the transporter pad awaiting the all-clear for transport down to Pax Primus, the latest development in a series of events called “shakedown”, and boy, were they getting shaken. Diverted from Bolarus to Pax Primus, only to have to run a gauntlet of orbital weapons platforms: what fun. That was taken care of by sending the Glenn shuttlecraft as a decoy, with MVAM standing by. Now, with Marines battling on the surface for control of the facility, here was the away team ready to beam down. Who’ve thought that the first mission would go like this?


The away team had phasers, as they knew there could be Romulans and/or Remans hovering. Murray couldn’t help but think like a security officer/Marine for a moment. He wanted a rifle. That feeling was quickly blown away by the thoughts of working on the com relay. At least they had Marines to watch over them.


Which, of course, brought up another point. Murray was interested to see what sort of interaction there was between security and the Marines. In general, both groups were never quite happy at having the other around. Having been both in the Marines and security, Murray understood why. The Marines were essentially an elite force of security; they were trained for more hazardous situations. This usually ended up getting under security’s collective skin because they were relegated to patrols. In time, though, they usually got used to each other. The first Marines were assigned as Military Assault Command Operations on the first Enterprise, the NX-01. The story goes that the chief of security and the MACO CO ended up in a fistfight, but Murray had his doubts about that.


Of course, having been both, Murray was quite unaffected by the presence of the other. Of course, these tensions were not always present, and Murray wanted to see what Agincourt’s men thought of each other. They hadn’t taken to phasering each other in the corridors, which he took to be a good sign.


Murray materialized on the planet near the “invisible” shuttle Brickwedde. His first instinct was to draw his phaser, but he caught himself with his hand on his holster. He’d wait for the order to draw, or to be fired upon. His goal was the com array. The Marines and security had enough to worry about.

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