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Hello Plants

The reason mothers tend gardens is because all the little babies can’t talk back.

- Gail Bryan



Sydney bent over a flat of plants. The light from the grow lamps above the plants played on her face and made the plants look warm and friendly. Syd began spritzing her “babies” with a vitamin solution.

“Drink up, dears. It’s good for you, you know,” she told them.

Midshipman Baxter, who was working to Syd’s right, leaned back in an attempt to see who Midshipman Richardson was talking to.

“It will help you grow up big and strong,” Syd continued. “Then you will give off lots and lots of oxygen for the science team. They’ll like that, yes they will.” She pressed a finger to the plant’s soil to ensure its moistness, then stood up to face Midshipman Baxter’s bewildered face.

“Were you talking to those… plants… again?” he asked.

Syd nodded. “Yes, because Professor Ankerberg, at the Academy, you know, told us about Doctor Gustav Theodor Fechner’s theory about plants being capable of emotions and about Luther Burbank’s theories on telepathic plants, both being good reasons to have a healthy relationship with your plants.” She finished up packing what she would take on the away mission, while continuing, “And of course they say that when you talk to them you release carbon dioxide, which they need just as much as you need the oxygen they give you.” Having finished packing, Sydney stood staring at the door while saying, “But really, the reason I talk to my plants is because it reminds me of my grandmother, the schizophrenic, who always talked to her plants.”

If Midshipman Baxter had anything to say about all this, he did not get the chance. At that moment Lieutenant Commander Robair made the call that the away team should report to Transporter Room One.

With a smile and a nod to Baxter, Sydney headed out of the science lab and towards the transporter room. After she left, Baxter turned to the flat of plants and slowly walked up to them.

“Hello… plants.”

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