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Mission Briefing #6

Mission Briefing #6


USS Agincourt


Two hours has passed since the last simulation. Since that time, a shuttle was modified by Lieutenant J.G. Murray and dispatched to the planet with six more marines on board and medical supplies assembled by the Agincourt medical staff and loaded by Security. Captain Davies has assigned Lieutenant J.G. Kroells to lead a team down on to the surface. This team will include staff from all departments. Their primary responsibility is to get to the array as soon as the Marines have made it safe for them to do so. The away team will transport down when the Marines deem it safe to do so. In the mean time, there are concerns about the status of the colony on the opposite hemisphere. No contact has been established yet.



The USS Agincourt simulation is affiliated with the Star Trek Simulation Forum (STSF) and is open to all players who have graduated from the STSF Academy. The simulation runs every Wednesday at 10 PM ET. For more information on getting involved with STSF, please visit http://www.stsf.net .


For more information on the Agincourt simulation, please e-mail visit our website at http://dhost.info/ussagincourt or e-mail [email protected]


Current STSF Advanced sim players that wish to become part of the Agincourt crew may request an additional duty application from [email protected]



Captain Simeon Davies

Commanding Officer

USS Agincourt | 81762

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