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Murray entered his quarters after his shift. As he took off his uniform jacket he said, “Computer: open personal log and begin recording.”


Personal log, stardate 0503.21


We received new orders today. Instead of heading to on Bolaris as originally planned, we are now on our way to Starbase 234 near the Romulan Neutral Zone…well, the former Romulan Neutral Zone. This could be quite a shakedown she’s going to get.


Today I took it upon myself to inspect the auxiliary engineering rooms. Everything seems in working order. In case we ever go into multi-vector assault mode, I’ll most likely be in charge of one of these. It was an intriguing site, though. The upper engine room’s warp core is horizontal, like you would find on early starships – the NX class, for instance: Columbia and Enterprise were the first two. The core in the second engine room is even more intriguing. The core is actually split into two components with the matter and antimatter both flowing down to the M/ARA. I can't wait to see them working.


Murray went to the replicator and ordered a large glass of grape juice and drank half of it.


I got a letter from Marissa today. The USS Luther is headed for the Antares system in the Bajor sector for the next round of Marine training and testing. The crew will be instructed in the lasted known methods of Romulan combat and tested on current abilities. It sounds grueling. I guess I got off the Luther at the right time. Still, having served aboard the ship for the past several years I have full confidence in her crew and command staff.


“Computer: end log.”


Murray sat on his sofa for a few minutes. Tomorrow he wanted to check out the impulse engines and weapons systems of the three hulls. He wanted to be ready for everything. Besides, what’s the fun of having a Prometheus class starship if she isn’t in top shape?

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