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Chief Engineer's Log


Shortly after Random relieved me from MeH command we received instructions from the surface to beam Dr. Garnoopy back to the ship.  After doing so, our sensors read seismic disturbances in the vicinity of the hunting party, as well as what we thought was a dampening field preventing further beam ups.  The hunting party would be in trouble if night fell while they were on the surface. After discussing our options we decided to send me down in a shuttle.


I decided a standard shuttle wouldn't be big enough for the entire hunting party, and I wanted something sturdier than standard in case that dampening field had any surprises.  I chose the Tyderium II, a Danube class Runabout originally assigned to the USS Lakota.  After receiving launch clearance I headed for the original beamdown point.


While en route I ran some spot scans of the dampening field.  It turned out to not be a "field" per se, mearly a dense cloud cover from the snowstorms.  However it still has a dampening effect on the ship's transporters.  Communications are increasingly difficult as well.  The snowstorms are making it difficult to locate the crew, which must mean their body temperatures are cooling rapidly.  It has been some time since anyone has heard from BcH or Kawalas as well.  


Dr. Garnoopy tells me it is imperative I reach the crew before hypothermia sets in.  So far I have located Ramjep and have beamed her aboard, and she is guiding me to Messner.  Hopefully he has more information as to the rest of the hunting party's whereabouts.

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