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Eli Zhu

"Engineering Status"

LtJg Eli Zhu

Acting Chief Engineer

Log Entry

SD 50502.11





First of all, repairing things for two days does not equal to fun squared. Second, I'm glad we have such dedicated hands aboard to help with the reconstruction of our home. Third, repairs are going great.


After replacing much of the hardware in the main computer core. My teams diagnosted and tested and tested again and again the functions of it. No, we're not finished repairing it still, I estimate 1 more day of replacing missing directive subroutines and lock out overrides for the docking bays - had some problem the other day with those. I conclude this section for the computer systems that main processor and data core on Aegis is functioning at a peak of 94.52534534%, the remaining repairs are specifically due to damaged circuits that are intricate and therefore very hard to find and replace. Estimated completion of repairs for this section is 23.2 hours.


After conversing with Lt. Brown and several other engineering teams it is more than on solid grounds that main weapons, phasers and lateral disruptors and torpedoes, are functioning at 99.9999%. We have yet tested the defensive systems and I hope we could schedule with in the day.


Shield generators have been completely rid of excess ionized particles, all the wrinkles in the coils have been smoothed out, the necessary parts replaced, the EPS conduits flowing. We have shields, all necessary computer control have been isolated in one place for faster operating efficiency.


I brought nearly all Aegis' fusion reactors online and one of the two warp cores online, main power has risen within controlable levels and efficiency. ALl deionization and clensing operations are currently being carried out on the second core. I estimate full power out put by 6 hours and 33 minutes. Also I would like to request 50 new units of warp plasma conduit assemblies, our supply is getting low.


With the help of Arthur Dent and Scott Sabourin, I was able to coordinate a full scale testing of all sensor and communication systems to determine the missing hardware and software still present in the whole system it self. After much head ache, frustration, tea and salmon, our little task force brought up the efficiency of main sensors by 50% and communications to peak efficiency. Long range sensors are now operational ... again. Still with a small chunk of software missing in the main data core, some technical difficulties are foreseen.


My assistants have finished reinstating the docking bay that was nearly destroyed two days ago by that freighter. ALl docking systems are running at peak efficiency, they're ready for docking proceedures.


Ah, to conclude this report, I'm happy to say that repairs are running smoothly and I thank every one in engineering for their dedication and special thanks to department heads for understanding the difficulties presented. Now off to some tea ...


End Report

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