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"Mr. Laser Scalpel" - 50303.01

Dr. Garnoopy

Personal Log Stardate 50303.01

“Mr. Laser Scalpel”


Garnoopy stared around the vast icy terrain, feeling the chilling wind blow across, and despite the layers of clothing he was wearing, he shuddered at the chill.


Hunting had never been something he had done, from a very young age life had been the number one thing he strived for, and yet here he was, preparing to attempt to fell a beast. Garnoopy was thankfully his beliefs allowed himself to kill for food at least; otherwise he probably could not be doing what he was about to do.


Moving forward, being cautious on the slippery ice, and carefully hopped over a small gorge, not wanting to fall. Glancing around, a large beast suddenly appeared to his right. Garnoopy was a tad surprised he hadn’t noticed it a moment before, but quickly dismissed the thought.


Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out one of two laser scalpels he had brought. Despite the abundance of weapons including knives on the Lakota, Garnoopy didn’t know how to use these. Training for years with medical tools had taught him how to use those, and he would be much more effective with these. After all, Garnoopy was a Doctor, not a knife wielder.


Crouching, holding the laser scalpel, he eyed this mammoth size beast. The beast eyed him back, his eyes black and cold. The ground shook as the beast stomped its hooves, sending Garnoopy sliding to the ground.


Standing, Garnoopy studied the beast, which was looking to ram him. Realizing that he could never attack head on, or from the side, Garnoopy decided the most vulnerable area was the stomach of the beast.


Garnoopy ran at the beast, and then dived onto the ground, sliding straight through the two front legs of the mammoth. Before he could slice the stomach open though, the beast moved back, and used its two front legs to stand on Garnoopy’s coat sleeves. Garnoopy was stuck. The laser scalpel had slipped out of his hands, so he had no way to move. Despite having a very upset several ton animal over his head, Garnoopy wasn’t worried.


Pulling his hands through his sleeves, into his coat, he let the beast stand on the sleeves. Garnoopy moved his hands around the inside of the coat, searching for the inside pocket he had. While he was searching, the big trunk of the beast lightly touched him in the face. Garnoopy felt a pang of guilt go through him for what he was attempting to do, but realized that the brain capacity of this animal couldn’t be that large, despite its size, and that the animal was reacting on instinct.


He found the laser scalpel in his inside coat pocket, aimed it upwards, towards the beast, and activated it. The beam cut a hole through his coat and hit the animal. Garnoopy’s sleeves were instantly released, and his arms immediately slipped back into them, before he could stand however, the trunk that had been so friendly a minute ago wrapped around him and lifted him up, holding him upside down, his head a few feet above the ice.


“Hmmm…” were the only words that came from Garnoopy’s mouth.


He had to think off a way out of this one, and he realized that the trunk had to go. Still holding the laser scalpel, he reached up, and sliced the trunk off. The trunk and himself fell to the ground, Garnoopy’s head barely missing smashing in half on the hard ice.


Scrambling to react before the beast could, Garnoopy wrapped himself around one of the massive front legs of the animal. Trying as it might, the animal could not shake Garnoopy off, and dripping green goo all over, proceeded to walk away. Garnoopy hung on tight, feeling around the leg for an artery, which he found relatively easily.


The laser scalpel sliced through the artery, and the beast fell to the ground, faster than expected. Unfortunately, it fell on top of Garnoopy, pinning the Doctor underneath.


Garnoopy felt warm suddenly, the creature was still giving off quite a bit of body heat, and the fur coat insulated it. Not being able to move, Garnoopy realized now might be a time to get worried, but didn’t.


Using the laser scalpel in his hand, he created a hole in the ice, from which a pole of some sorts popped through. Garnoopy grasped it, though had no idea what he was holding, only knowing it didn’t bite him, and it might be helpful.


He then began to cut his way through the ice, hoping to attract the attention of someone who could possibly get this animal off of him. Without warning, the creature dematerialized, and the weight was lifted off of Garnoopy.


Unfortunately, things didn’t get better quite that easily. The ice cracked, and then shattered, sending the Doctor, a pole in his hand, and a laser scalpel in his other hand downward into the icy water.

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