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Cptn Elias Moore

1/8/05 Midnight Academy

01/9/05 00:15:14 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: == STSF Academy: ROSTER for 1-8-05 ==

01/9/05 00:15:21 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Commaning Officer (CO) ----- Jorlis

01/9/05 00:15:25 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Operations Manager (OPS) ------- Semaj

01/9/05 00:15:28 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Tactical Officer (TAC) -------- Dustin

01/9/05 00:15:32 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Navigation Officer (HELM) ------ Sasbas

01/9/05 00:15:34 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Chief Security Officer (CSEC) -- Tuvok

01/9/05 00:15:37 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Chief Engineer Officer (CENG) -- T'Lara

01/9/05 00:15:41 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Chief Science Officer (CSCI) -- Tachyon

01/9/05 00:15:45 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Asst Science Officer (ASCI1) -- Sarah

01/9/05 00:15:48 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: Chief Medical Officer (CMO) --- EJPilot

01/9/05 00:15:52 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: NOTE: If you didn't receive a post and would like to play, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE now.

01/9/05 00:16:02 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: And now, stand by for the mission briefing...

01/9/05 00:16:07 [Holodeck] LtSG._Van_Roy: <<Gee, Tuvok as CSEC. Who would have thought?>>

01/9/05 00:16:18 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: -=/\=- STSF ACADEMY: MISSION BRIEFING FOR 1-8-05 -=/\=-

01/9/05 00:16:23 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: The cargo freighter Harrison was carrying archaeological relics to the museum on Indi IV when it was hijacked by agents of the Orion Syndicate. The USS Janus (Akira class) has been sent to recover the freighter, which is now on a course for the Jones nebula. If Harrison reaches the nebula, sensors would lose track of it.

01/9/05 00:16:38 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: I thought I would enjoy playing the part once tonight to try it as I have never been this before

01/9/05 00:16:54 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: -=/\=- BEGIN SIM -=/\=-

01/9/05 00:17:10 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO> ::Sitting in the center chair::

01/9/05 00:17:11 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::running scans of the area::

01/9/05 00:17:23 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::At the Tactical Station, reviewing the sensor scans made by the CSCI::

01/9/05 00:17:34 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::standing in engineering looking over freighter designs on the main computer console::

01/9/05 00:17:42 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::beginins working at consol::

01/9/05 00:17:59 [Holodeck] sasbas: helm responding

01/9/05 00:18:01 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO> ::Blinks, making a note to have the chair raised a couple inches, doesn't like being level with the subordinates::

01/9/05 00:18:10 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::checks his supplies in the medical bay so if they needed to be reordered he could put in a form to the Captain::

01/9/05 00:18:25 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Helm, we have a freighter to hunt down.

01/9/05 00:18:28 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>The Jones nebula will cut off communications . . . take a look at our scans of it and let me know if it poses any other threats to the ship or crew.

01/9/05 00:18:38 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ Captain, I'll send up a team to fix your chair.

01/9/05 00:18:43 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Help Mr. Sasbas track it down.

01/9/05 00:18:53 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CENG+ Who said my chair needed fixing?

01/9/05 00:19:01 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Aye sir.

01/9/05 00:19:25 [Holodeck] sasbas: tracking

01/9/05 00:19:26 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ I'm Betazoid.

01/9/05 00:19:34 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::looks up from consol quickly and then back down and begins to work again

01/9/05 00:19:36 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <HELM> Our last known contact with the Harrison was at Sector 12... Heading 123.55

01/9/05 00:20:08 [Holodeck] Cadet_SemaJ: <OPS>::does some diagnostics on the ship system, making sure everything is in working order for the mission::

01/9/05 00:20:22 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::brings up starcharts of the surrounding area and plots various trajectories of the Harrison and Janus::

01/9/05 00:20:26 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>::begins scan of nebula::

01/9/05 00:20:27 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::moves from the medical bay to the turbolift as the nurses took over sickbay an he entered the TL and said Bridge::

01/9/05 00:20:34 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>Hmm . . .

01/9/05 00:20:34 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::continues to look over the mission brief and calls up the Harrison on his console::

01/9/05 00:20:39 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Looks over to the CSCI:: Do we have any projections on the Harrison?

01/9/05 00:20:43 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><OPS> Have all departments report in, Mr. Semaj.

01/9/05 00:21:06 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>We know that they are heading to the Jones nebula, on a roughly straight course. At high warp we might be able to circle around and intercept them before they reach the nebula.

01/9/05 00:21:11 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: ::there apears to be only one type of harmfull radation inside the nebula

01/9/05 00:21:33 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::takes a look at the scans:: <ASCI> Ah, I see. Hopefully we won't have to worry about it.

01/9/05 00:21:47 [Holodeck] Cadet_SemaJ: <OPS>+<shipwide com> all departments, report in and report status...

01/9/05 00:22:01 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: ::It doesn't seem to be harmfull for short peroids of time::

01/9/05 00:22:01 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><OPS>Science is working on finding the freighter, reporting in.

01/9/05 00:22:15 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::the TL comes to the Bridge an he walks off an moves to the Commander Center where the Captain and Commander sat an I asked "Sir, how are we doing?"::

01/9/05 00:22:17 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO> ::Contemplates stacking a few PADDs on the chair, but doesn't want to be uncomfortable::

01/9/05 00:22:31 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Nods:: <CO> Sir, I suggest we plot a course to intercept the Harrison at the Jones Nebula. At their current heading, the CSCI I agree we should be able to head them off at the pass so to speak.

01/9/05 00:22:41 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::Sickbay reports in with Ready Status::

01/9/05 00:22:42 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CMO> Doctor. We're about to set a course for our lost freighter.

01/9/05 00:22:43 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <OPS> Tactical fully operational.

01/9/05 00:22:43 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>If we launch a probe toward the last known location of the Harrison, we might gain more data.

01/9/05 00:22:55 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+OPS+ The Propulsion Systems are functioning at normal levels, We are conducting maintenance on the Port Thrusters

01/9/05 00:23:01 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Send an appropriate intercept course to helm.

01/9/05 00:23:10 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> Well were there any hostages taken sir?

01/9/05 00:23:17 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>We might also be able to run more direct scans for harmfull parts of the nebula

01/9/05 00:23:19 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> Make it so.

01/9/05 00:23:23 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Punches in the data and sends it to the Helm's console::

01/9/05 00:23:25 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm>+<ops>::: :::helm responding at exceptable status

01/9/05 00:23:37 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>Aye. ::readies a probe and launches it to the proper coordinates::

01/9/05 00:23:46 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>were there any hostages on the ship?

01/9/05 00:23:47 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CMO> ::Nods:: The Orions usually do take captives, but we haven't heard any word from the freighter crew.

01/9/05 00:24:06 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Monitor the probe's telemetry and report any unusual data or signs of the Harrison.

01/9/05 00:24:07 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: ::continues working while speaking::

01/9/05 00:24:17 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm>+tac>:::: ::::: course set and engaged

01/9/05 00:24:17 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> Well sickbay stands ready to get them in if they are released, if any.

01/9/05 00:24:24 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>ok

01/9/05 00:24:25 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::initiating level 2 diagnostic on all ship wide shield emitters::

01/9/05 00:24:29 [Holodeck] Cadet_SemaJ: <OPS>::drops his phaser on the ground and shoots himself dead:: ouch

01/9/05 00:24:43 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Sir, I request we take the ship to yellow alert. I know generally these freighters only carry minimal weaponry, but we have no idea of knowing if the Orions are escorting the ship or have installed some sort of weapon on it.

01/9/05 00:24:52 [Holodeck] Cadet_SemaJ: ----G2G, sorry everyone---

01/9/05 00:25:02 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>are we going to try to retake the ship?

01/9/05 00:25:28 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> ::Nods:: Do so.

01/9/05 00:25:46 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Pushes in the button bringing ships status to YELLOW ALERT::

01/9/05 00:25:49 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>Should I prepare teams to beam over?

01/9/05 00:25:51 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSEC> ::Nods:: That is the plan.

01/9/05 00:25:55 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>Assuming the Harrison hasn't changed course, we should intercept them about 0.8 light-years from the Jones nebula. ::taps at console:: The probe should pick up a change in their warp signature if they changed course nearby.

01/9/05 00:26:06 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::begins to prepare boarding teams::

01/9/05 00:26:19 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CSCI> Can it also detect additional ships accompanying the Freighter?

01/9/05 00:26:27 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+TAC++SEC+ The Power Distribution Network has been upgraded to provide maximum efficiency in case we run into any Orions Gentlemen.

01/9/05 00:26:31 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>There seems to be some odd distortion moveing tword the probe

01/9/05 00:26:39 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CENG+ Engineering, this is the Bridge. Report on your analysis of the freighter.

01/9/05 00:26:46 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>Yes it can . . . <ASCI>A distortion? Of what kind?

01/9/05 00:26:51 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> +CENG+ Acknolwedged chief.

01/9/05 00:27:03 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> Sir if we do run into the Orions will they board us an try to us over?

01/9/05 00:27:12 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CSCI+ Probe configured and ready for launch sir.

01/9/05 00:27:16 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1> I am not sure, let me see if ::probe signal dissapears:: our probe, it's gone...

01/9/05 00:27:37 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Reviews the probe's progress and the distortion::

01/9/05 00:27:38 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>Our probe was just destroyed, possibly by hostile fire.

01/9/05 00:27:46 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: ACTION: The probe continues on its course, undisturbed

01/9/05 00:28:02 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm>+<co> helm is getting a little sticky sir not responding the way she should

01/9/05 00:28:03 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Checks the sensors:: Oh no... We had a sensor glitch.

01/9/05 00:28:16 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ She's a small science vessel used by the Vulcan Science Academy, standard Vulcan transport sir.

01/9/05 00:28:35 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Have the engineers look into it.

01/9/05 00:28:39 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CSCI> Is the probe reappearing on your sensors?

01/9/05 00:28:41 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>Confirmed . . . ::corrects for the variance:: Our proximity to the nebula must be interfering with the subspace telemetry somewhat, I've compensated.

01/9/05 00:28:56 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Records the incident::

01/9/05 00:29:00 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <<Sasbas, only use + when you are using the comm the captain an you are in teh same room, just a friendly reminder, since I am suppose to set a example>>

01/9/05 00:29:25 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: << EJ, thanks, but leave that to me ;) >>

01/9/05 00:29:43 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <<*cant do nothing right*>>

01/9/05 00:29:53 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Is the probe picking up the Harrison, other ships, or any sort of warp trails?

01/9/05 00:30:05 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Listens in to the Science Officers::

01/9/05 00:30:16 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+team1+ Are you prepared to beam over?

01/9/05 00:30:18 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+HELM+ Helm I've increased power to the matter injectors and balanced the power flow, You should adjust the deflector matrix. That would improve handling.

01/9/05 00:30:41 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::team one respnds that they are::

01/9/05 00:31:04 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Look up the freighter she's referring to, find out what it's packing.

01/9/05 00:31:16 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><ceng> entering nebula now sir adjusted the defector matrix and imroved helm response ::: :::

01/9/05 00:31:22 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Happens to glance at the Captain and notices he is shifting in his seat:: Errr... Aye sir.

01/9/05 00:31:25 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::just watches the bridge team work an awaits any word about the hostages if any::

01/9/05 00:31:31 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>Jorlis request premision to be part of sucurity team one and beam aboard vessle when able to

01/9/05 00:31:40 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Wait don't take us into the nebula.

01/9/05 00:31:59 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+TAC+ I'm sending you the Vulcan files now.

01/9/05 00:32:02 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSEC> ::Nods:: Granted.

01/9/05 00:32:08 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm> <co> yes sir

01/9/05 00:32:23 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Bring us to a stop just outside.

01/9/05 00:32:27 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>Thank you sir

01/9/05 00:33:08 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> helm coming to a stop just outside the nebula

01/9/05 00:33:15 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Brings up the ship's file as the CENG sends it:: <CO> It is the SS T'Pau... Looks like a standard research vessel... Last known assignment was the studying of Dilithium Formations on the planets near the Nebula.

01/9/05 00:33:20 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>only one warp trail

01/9/05 00:33:35 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Any shields, other sorts of defenses?

01/9/05 00:33:36 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Only light shielding and minimal beam weapons sir.

01/9/05 00:33:47 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> Do we have a read on the Harrison?

01/9/05 00:34:02 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CSEC+ Did you get any information on the Artifacts from Vulcan Security?

01/9/05 00:34:07 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <<Whoops, SS Harrison. I am sorry. lol >>

01/9/05 00:34:09 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Hmm . . . well then we should probably assume it's the Harrison. <CO>Yes, we've found a single warp trail heading on course for the nebula.

01/9/05 00:34:39 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::regulating power to the long and short range sensor arrays, preparing the ship for battle just in case::

01/9/05 00:34:39 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC/CO>It doesn't appear to have deviated greatly from its course, it should be in sensor range soon . . . ::checks the sensors::

01/9/05 00:34:44 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> Send the coordinates to helm. <Helm> Continue on intercept.

01/9/05 00:34:46 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>I believe the nebula is causeing the warp trail to disapate at a high rate

01/9/05 00:34:54 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::sends the coordinates to helm::

01/9/05 00:34:58 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> ship just outside nebula and standing by

01/9/05 00:35:00 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>I can not identafy it

01/9/05 00:35:10 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::finishes typeing at consol and walks to turbo lift then steps inside when door opens::

01/9/05 00:35:23 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Reviews a bit more:: <CO> Sir, there is one thing of interest. The ship's beam weapon was actually a planetary dilithium cutter... Hmmm... Odd...

01/9/05 00:35:30 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Furrows his eyebrows::

01/9/05 00:35:31 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> corrdinates received and going in a impulse speed

01/9/05 00:35:39 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::turbolift starts decending::

01/9/05 00:35:45 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Shouldn't be much of a danger to us.

01/9/05 00:35:58 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Try to compensate for that by boosting the probe's signal gain, we might wear out the battery faster but it's worth it. However, it's the only trail in the area, it's most likely the Harrison.

01/9/05 00:36:04 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::Appears on Bridge at ENG Station::

01/9/05 00:36:05 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: << The Harrison's not inside the nebula yet, sasbas >>

01/9/05 00:36:28 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> No however the power source for that must be enormous. I wouldn't suggest firing on the Harrison unless we have a safe distance between us.

01/9/05 00:36:50 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>I believe it is safe to assume it is the Harrison, but the probes signal is not the best either, I will try it.

01/9/05 00:36:53 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Can we safely disable her engines?

01/9/05 00:36:59 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: ::begins working again at panel::

01/9/05 00:37:08 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG><CO>Captain, those Planetary cutting beams don't belong on a Vulcan Science Freighter and they just might be able to cut through our shields with enough juice.

01/9/05 00:37:44 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::turbo lift stops decending Tuvok steps out and begins down hall tword armory::

01/9/05 00:37:47 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CENG> According to our archives, they do.

01/9/05 00:37:55 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> if i take the ship in behind her we may be aboe to save ourelves while surprising them

01/9/05 00:37:56 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CENG>My assistant here is trying to boost the probe's signal, can you take a look at it for a moment and see if you can increase the sensor efficiency?

01/9/05 00:38:05 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG><CSEC><TAC> I've modified the shield generators for maximum output.

01/9/05 00:38:25 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Reviews the readouts:: <CO> Unknown sir. There is no information on disabling a ship with a Dilithium Cutter. If they are pumping the energy directly from the warpcore, there could be a build up and explosion if we upset any of the power distributi

01/9/05 00:38:26 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: ACTION: The freighter hails Janus as soon as it's in range

01/9/05 00:38:30 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG><CSCI> Let me call it up on my console.

01/9/05 00:38:31 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: distribution

01/9/05 00:38:45 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1> I'v got it, yes it is confermed it is the Harrison

01/9/05 00:38:46 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CENG>Thanks. <TAC>The freighter is coming into range now . . . ::begins scanning with the Janus' sensors::

01/9/05 00:38:49 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> They are hailing us...usually the other way around..

01/9/05 00:38:52 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC><CO> We are being hailed sir.

01/9/05 00:39:11 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: ::begins scanning as well::

01/9/05 00:39:16 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::modifying the probe's phase inducer to increase sensor resolution::

01/9/05 00:39:18 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> ::Raises eyebrow, nods:: Put it through.

01/9/05 00:39:27 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Puts it on screen::

01/9/05 00:39:36 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> continue at impulse r come to a complete stop sir???

01/9/05 00:39:47 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG><CSCI> Tap into the sensor grid and see if you can get the probe to do a close passing scan.

01/9/05 00:40:05 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>::walks to diffrent panel and continues to work at it::

01/9/05 00:40:06 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::walks into armory and begins talking to team::

01/9/05 00:40:08 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::follows the CENG's suggestion:: <CENG>Ah, very useful.

01/9/05 00:40:11 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: #Vulcan Scientist> ::Appears on screen:: Starfleet vessel, I advise you stay away, as our warp core has been programmed to explode if any ships get near.

01/9/05 00:40:24 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::moves the probe to get a better scan that will compliment the Janus' readouts::

01/9/05 00:40:25 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Eyes widen::

01/9/05 00:40:37 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Match her course and speed.

01/9/05 00:40:45 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::eyes widen::

01/9/05 00:40:57 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> matched and continuing 2 follow her sir

01/9/05 00:41:01 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO> ::Looks up at the screen:: Might I see the face of your captors?

01/9/05 00:41:14 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+Jorlis+ The sucurity teams are ready to go

01/9/05 00:41:30 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::stands there as he watches the Viewscreen::

01/9/05 00:41:36 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: #Vulcan> I've been told that that will not be possible. I've been asked to relay this warning to you... do not approach. Harrison out. ::Screen fades::

01/9/05 00:41:40 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm> adjust speed and follows

01/9/05 00:41:48 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG><TAC> I'll be in Engineering boosting the Janus' shields.

01/9/05 00:41:49 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>can you get a fix on how many life signs

01/9/05 00:41:55 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Cracks hhis neck::

01/9/05 00:42:01 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Nods to the CENG::

01/9/05 00:42:02 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> Captain, do you think that is a bluff or truth?

01/9/05 00:42:07 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO> ::Sighs deeply::

01/9/05 00:42:16 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::slides into the turbolift and enters ENG::

01/9/05 00:42:33 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CMO> We have a crew of Vulcan scientists whose lives depend on it. We have to assume they mean business.

01/9/05 00:42:48 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Red alert.

01/9/05 00:42:52 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> we are going deeper into thenebula

01/9/05 00:42:53 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::calls up the Harrison's probe scans::

01/9/05 00:42:54 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Sir... Ship to ship scans do detect a power build up in the Engine Room. ::Looks to CSCI:: Can we find out if that is in fact a bomb?

01/9/05 00:42:56 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>I'm reading somewhere around 20 lifesigns, predominantly Vulcan.

01/9/05 00:43:00 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>Tachyon do you think you can get a lock on how many life signs?

01/9/05 00:43:03 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Raises RED ALERT::

01/9/05 00:43:21 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>ok, should we send that information to the captin

01/9/05 00:43:29 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>+TAP+

01/9/05 00:43:50 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Are their shields raised?

01/9/05 00:43:54 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>Not until they engage it, they said "programmed". I'll check to see if there are power buildups, but we most likely won't be able to tell until just before the explosion.

01/9/05 00:43:56 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ Captain our probe is reading the Harrison's interior.

01/9/05 00:43:57 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>+sickbay+ Sickbay get ready we may have casulities...

01/9/05 00:44:14 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Appears agitated:: <CO> No sir... It is almost as if they are welcoming us to attack.

01/9/05 00:44:16 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>There are approximately 20 life-signs on board, predominantly Vulcan.

01/9/05 00:44:23 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>+sickbay+ Doctor out. +TAP+

01/9/05 00:44:40 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> ::Nods:: The others?

01/9/05 00:44:55 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> They're just hoping we hesitate enough for them to take cover in the nebula.

01/9/05 00:44:59 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+Jorlis+ we have the boarding teams ready, we will be in transporter room 2 so you can beam wounded to room 1 if there is a overflow

01/9/05 00:45:13 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ Captain should I send the probe ahead into the Jones Nebula?

01/9/05 00:45:16 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CSEC+ Acknowledged.

01/9/05 00:45:25 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: << T'Lara, check your PM >>

01/9/05 00:45:31 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>Several lower-order life forms, possibly specimens of some kind, and indeed some Orions.

01/9/05 00:45:55 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> sir they r heading into the nebula should i continue the chase???

01/9/05 00:45:56 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>I'm reading them as well

01/9/05 00:45:59 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO> ::Looks around the Bridge:: Options?

01/9/05 00:46:06 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> ::Nods:: Maintain current distance.

01/9/05 00:46:10 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC/CO>If their warp core detonates inside the nebula, it could set off a chain reaction of volatile gases . . . we'd best not be around if that happens.

01/9/05 00:46:11 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::returning telemitry readings to CSCI

01/9/05 00:46:22 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> ::Sees something else:: Indeed... Perhaps we could do something else. If we were to fire phasers on the unshielded ship, we could knock out their transfer conduit without worry of setting off the bomb or the Dilithium Cutter.

01/9/05 00:46:38 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> But, we would have to get close enough to pinpoint that.

01/9/05 00:46:42 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>would the gas detonate or become super charged?

01/9/05 00:46:44 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> Sir I have need...an I usually can figure out something....I mean we get close they die...if stay back they might die anyway.

01/9/05 00:46:56 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <<none** not need*>>

01/9/05 00:47:00 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>It would detonate . . . the sheer amount of antimatter released by such an explosion would ensure that.

01/9/05 00:47:07 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Might not be possible to get that close.

01/9/05 00:47:10 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> sir i can get us closer

01/9/05 00:47:20 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>Maybe not us, but perhaps the probe, sir?

01/9/05 00:47:36 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Do so, but slowly. I'm sure they'll give us one more warning.

01/9/05 00:47:39 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::diverting power from the holodecks to the structural integrity field::

01/9/05 00:48:02 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Ponders for a second:: <CO> Indeed! We could rig a probe with a charge of some sort. Something that small could hide within the nebula until locking on to the conduit.

01/9/05 00:48:07 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> yes sir maintaing speed and distance

01/9/05 00:48:09 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::finishing maintenance on the port thrusters::

01/9/05 00:48:12 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> ::Furrows brow:: We're in the outskirts of the nebula now. How well do you think we could mask a transport?

01/9/05 00:48:36 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>About as well as usual. They'd probably detect it, but not necessarily recognize it as a transport.

01/9/05 00:48:45 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1> I am reading a week life sign, are you reading it?

01/9/05 00:48:47 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::begins talking to boarding teams 1 and 2 about plan once we beam on.

01/9/05 00:48:54 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Scan the Harrison and locate the main transfer conduit, then send the coordinates to tactical.

01/9/05 00:49:12 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Does some mental math:: <CO> If we launched the probe directly into the nebula at maximum warp, could they detect it?

01/9/05 00:49:22 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> Perhaps we could transport whatever's threatening to blow up the ship. If we could get a clearer idea of what is threatening it.

01/9/05 00:49:24 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::calling up information on known Orion weaponry::

01/9/05 00:49:27 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <<Meant for CSCI>>

01/9/05 00:49:45 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>I doubt we could transport their warp core, if that's what you mean. <TAC>To what end?

01/9/05 00:49:58 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CMO> You better see to making sure the crew is prepared for any ill effects of the nebula.

01/9/05 00:50:07 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CSCI> To the point they would realize it was armed with some sort of explosive.

01/9/05 00:50:19 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> if they go into the nebula do u still want me to follow her ??/

01/9/05 00:50:23 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>And make them think twice about entering the nebula?

01/9/05 00:50:26 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> Not the whole core, perhaps. But something. ::Shrugs::

01/9/05 00:50:31 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> That is all ready sir...my staff are ready at War Status basically.

01/9/05 00:50:55 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CSCI> Exactly! They double back giving us an opportunity to warp close and fire on the conduit.

01/9/05 00:50:58 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::finishes dicusing plan::

01/9/05 00:51:01 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CMO> See to any innoculations that need to be distributed.

01/9/05 00:51:02 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+Computer+ Please display all schematics for known Orion weapons systems. Cross reference for hand held devices and modified defensive systems. +Computer+ Working...

01/9/05 00:51:17 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> aye.

01/9/05 00:51:35 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+ACSI+ can you transmit schmatics of the ship to me?

01/9/05 00:51:50 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>I doubt it . . . they might not get a clear scan of the probe before it enters the nebula, and even if they did they would see that there aren't explosives . . . however we might be able to use the probe as a diversion. ::thinks::

01/9/05 00:51:50 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI><TAC> The window is closing, do you have a plan?

01/9/05 00:52:11 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO++CMO+ Captain the Janus is reading 80% radiation and climbing.

01/9/05 00:52:17 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Maintain course until I say otherwise.

01/9/05 00:52:17 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CSCI> All we need is a five second opening.

01/9/05 00:52:25 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> yes sir

01/9/05 00:52:36 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>could we transport in the nebula?

01/9/05 00:52:43 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Here is the idea...

01/9/05 00:52:47 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>If we maneuver the probe skillfully enough, five seconds is possible.

01/9/05 00:52:50 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> My god.

01/9/05 00:52:58 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>I wouldn't recommend it . . .

01/9/05 00:53:15 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Have you located the main transfer conduit?

01/9/05 00:53:29 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> If we detonate a probe within the nebula causing them to stop... We can possibly warp close, fire one concentrated burst at the main transfer conduit, effectivly shutting down all power.

01/9/05 00:53:46 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+ACSI+ can you transmit schmatics of the ship to me?

01/9/05 00:53:50 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>+CENG+ Are you sure, Radiation at 80% is very bad they are most likely dead...no one can stand that much radiation an live.

01/9/05 00:53:55 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> It would be like walking on eggshells... But I believe we could pull it off.

01/9/05 00:54:07 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CMO+ Doctor will we need to begin radiation protocols?

01/9/05 00:54:12 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Fire on their main transfer conduit? Couldn't that trigger an explosion?

01/9/05 00:54:25 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+ACSI+ can you transmit schmatics of the ship to me?

01/9/05 00:54:32 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm> <co> we could fly in fast and close they may not have time to resond

01/9/05 00:54:40 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CO> Captain should we do Radiation Protocols as a precaution?

01/9/05 00:54:43 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Its the only option we are left with short of allowing them to escape, respectivly sir.

01/9/05 00:54:57 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CMO> ::Nods:: Have the innoculations distributed.

01/9/05 00:55:10 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Looks to the CSCI for support or opinion::

01/9/05 00:55:18 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>+CSEC+ Er, please stand by. ::forwards as much data as he has::

01/9/05 00:55:29 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Can we come up with a means of powering them down that isn't quite so... messy?

01/9/05 00:55:59 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>+CENG+ make it so Chief....

01/9/05 00:56:02 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Shakes his head:: <CO> I believe our window for action is rapidly closing sir.

01/9/05 00:56:05 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>An alternative would be their power couplings . . . that would cut power to the ship without triggering the explosion, hopefully.

01/9/05 00:56:08 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+CSCI+thank you, Tuvok out

01/9/05 00:56:28 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+Computer+ "Standard weapons include type 3 disruptors romulan prototype design, standard plasma torpedoes, and type VI distruptor rifles"

01/9/05 00:56:34 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::begins going over map of ship and key areas to take first with teams::

01/9/05 00:56:36 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>Considering that they rigged the explosion as a programmed sequence, if we take out the couplings than the computers might not be able to trigger the explosion.

01/9/05 00:56:41 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>+Sickbay+ Prepare for immunization for radiation protocols....I am on my way..

01/9/05 00:56:51 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Looks to the CSCI:: What if the Dilithium Cutter iscurrently operational? Then we detonate that instead of the "bomb"?

01/9/05 00:56:53 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::moves to the TL:: Sickbay.

01/9/05 00:56:55 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>can we risk that though

01/9/05 00:57:03 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> Well... why don't we put two plans together? Lock on and transport the power couplings? Literally take them out?

01/9/05 00:57:06 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+Computer+ Orions are known terrorists capable of kidnapping and murder, Highly dangerous encounters

01/9/05 00:57:29 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>Risky, but possible. <ASCI>Get a lock on those couplings.

01/9/05 00:57:44 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>Giveing them the chance to transport people off this ship would be verry risk involved

01/9/05 00:57:54 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> i will have to increase speed a little to get us close enough to pull this off

01/9/05 00:57:56 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><CSCI> We could use a the existing probe to strengthen the lock. <TAC> Meanwhile, get the decoy probe ready.

01/9/05 00:57:59 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Thinks it over for a second:: Beaming would eliminate the risk of hitting the Cutter...

01/9/05 00:58:03 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+Computer+ Initiate Radiation Protocol Level 3

01/9/05 00:58:14 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::arrives at Sickbay::

01/9/05 00:58:16 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Input the appropriate flight pattern and stand by for the maneuver.

01/9/05 00:58:18 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Aye sir. ::Begins preparing the probe::

01/9/05 00:58:24 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::nods at the CO's suggestion:: <ASCI>Use the probe as a subspace beacon to strengthen our lock, we'll launch another one for the decoy.

01/9/05 00:58:43 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>+CO+ Please have the away team members come to Sickbay to get their radiation shots...

01/9/05 00:58:49 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+CO+Lowering sheilds and getting close enough could give them an oportunity to transport people off this ship captin, and they will most loglicly take it

01/9/05 00:59:01 [Holodeck] sasbas: <healm><co>flight pattern in and standing by for order to execute manuver

01/9/05 00:59:08 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CMO+ Have your people go to them. And I want you to join the boarding party.

01/9/05 00:59:17 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>+CO+Aye

01/9/05 00:59:18 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Probe is ready to launch sir.

01/9/05 00:59:21 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::sighs::

01/9/05 00:59:31 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Do you have that lock?

01/9/05 00:59:41 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CSEC+ We're transporting through our probe, Mr. Tuvok. They won't be close enough for a direct transport.

01/9/05 00:59:43 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ Boosting power to the Transporter Materialization Matrices Captain.

01/9/05 00:59:50 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><SBStaff> Lets go to the Transporters now! Medkits with Rad Immuz.! lets move...!

01/9/05 01:00:27 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>I'll forward you the transporter coordinates in one moment . . . ::tapping frenetically::

01/9/05 01:00:39 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+CO+Can my teams be beamed on at the same time to try to take the ship before it reaches the nebula

01/9/05 01:00:41 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::moves to the Transporter in the Sickbay, and his team gets on the padd too an they beam to the Transporter room where the AT is meeting

01/9/05 01:00:42 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: ::

01/9/05 01:00:49 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Looks to the CSCI:: A quick thought... Using a power flux on the probe as a beacon won't set off anything in the nebula will it?

01/9/05 01:01:07 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Nods and prepares the transporter control::

01/9/05 01:01:08 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+TranspC++TAC+ Transfering power from main phaser array

01/9/05 01:01:10 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::watches as his staff gives the hypo shots to himself and the Away Team::

01/9/05 01:01:11 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>Er . . . not unless the probe releases an antimatter explosion into a pocket of gas.

01/9/05 01:01:19 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CSEC+ We'll try to keep the window close, just make sure your team is ready.

01/9/05 01:01:26 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::gives TAC the coordinates of the power couplings::

01/9/05 01:01:30 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CSCI> ::Smiles:: Just checking.

01/9/05 01:01:41 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Gets the coordinates::

01/9/05 01:01:43 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+CO+understood

01/9/05 01:01:53 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG> ::boosting power to the probe communications array::

01/9/05 01:02:19 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC><CSCI> Have another lock ready to transport the team to their engineering section.

01/9/05 01:02:22 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::watching carefully for signs of power build-ups::

01/9/05 01:02:26 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>::scaning ship with magnaton scan one bit by bit::

01/9/05 01:02:48 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>Aye, sir. ::prepares a second lock:: Ready for transport of our team. ::forwards the lock to ASCI::

01/9/05 01:02:50 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::has a phaser and a medkit with his him his phaser at Maximum stun::

01/9/05 01:02:51 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Pushes a few butoons:: <TAC> Aye sir.

01/9/05 01:02:56 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CSEC+ Your team is to secure the warp core, then spread out and make sure the captives are safe.

01/9/05 01:03:12 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO> Are we ready to go?

01/9/05 01:03:19 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ Captain I'm reading a massive overload in the Probe's power system.

01/9/05 01:03:28 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>Science is ready, sir.

01/9/05 01:03:39 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Lets do it Captain.

01/9/05 01:03:41 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ It will only hold for another 10 seconds so you better do it now!

01/9/05 01:03:54 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+CO+Understood, the transporting signal is getting weak though

01/9/05 01:03:59 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co>ready sir

01/9/05 01:04:11 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Launch the decoy.

01/9/05 01:04:20 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Launches the Decoy::

01/9/05 01:04:24 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::tracks the decoy::

01/9/05 01:04:24 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::gets teams on transporter pad::

01/9/05 01:04:36 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>Decoy is in position . . .

01/9/05 01:04:50 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+Computer+ Switch to manual override

01/9/05 01:04:51 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::stands on teh Transporter padd::

01/9/05 01:04:52 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: #Harrison Computer> ::Tracks the incoming objects, prepares to detonate the ship::

01/9/05 01:05:04 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::checks the panel once more, then runs and get's on transporter pad himself::

01/9/05 01:05:10 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Reviews the science vessel:: Sir, i am detecting a power build up on the Harrison!

01/9/05 01:05:13 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>I'm detecting a power buildup, we must act fast!

01/9/05 01:05:14 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> ::Nods:: <Helm> Prepare to move.

01/9/05 01:05:24 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::restabilizes the transporter beams::

01/9/05 01:05:33 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <<Jinx ;) >>

01/9/05 01:05:35 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm><co> yes sir ready and waitting for yr order to eesecute

01/9/05 01:05:35 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::phaser drawn in the circle formation I guess::

01/9/05 01:05:42 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><Helm> Engage maneuver, now.

01/9/05 01:05:44 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Once we beam off the couplings, confirm that the Harrison is without power.

01/9/05 01:05:56 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Transport the couplings as soon as we get close enough.

01/9/05 01:05:58 [Holodeck] sasbas: <helm> <co>engaged NOW

01/9/05 01:06:08 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Begins transporting the couplings as soon as the ship is in range::

01/9/05 01:06:08 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>draw wepons

01/9/05 01:06:22 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+Computer+ Pattern Buffer Failure Auxiliary Systems Initiated

01/9/05 01:06:31 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+CO+will there life suport be off line

01/9/05 01:06:40 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::weapon is drawn an waits::

01/9/05 01:06:42 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>+CO+ Captain we are loosing resolution!

01/9/05 01:06:59 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> ::Eyes widen as he sees the Harrison is raising shields to block the final transport::

01/9/05 01:07:00 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CSEC+ They'll likely have backup systems.

01/9/05 01:07:08 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>Team 1 postion upsolon

01/9/05 01:07:14 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> Sir! We are losing our lock!

01/9/05 01:07:19 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>Compensating!

01/9/05 01:07:27 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Transport the boarding party.

01/9/05 01:07:29 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI>::taps at console to boost the gain::

01/9/05 01:07:35 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::looks::

01/9/05 01:07:46 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Beads of sweat trickle down his face as he sends the boarding party while compensating::

01/9/05 01:07:46 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>Although I'll point out that as long as you dematerialize the couplings, it doesn't matter if they rematerialize again.

01/9/05 01:07:57 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::diverting power from sensor array::

01/9/05 01:08:00 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>EJ, you apear to be worried

01/9/05 01:08:08 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: #Harrison CPU> ::Fails to detonate the ship, attempts to compensate::

01/9/05 01:08:18 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>What are the power emissions from the Harrison? Any signs of imminent explosions?

01/9/05 01:08:25 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> Oh.... <CSCI>

01/9/05 01:08:32 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO><CSEC> No, just wondering why haven't we been beamed over yet.

01/9/05 01:08:44 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1>they are low as far as I can tell

01/9/05 01:08:51 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Relaxes and FINISHES THE BEAM OVER::

01/9/05 01:08:52 [Holodeck] Cdt_Sarah_Clark: <ASCI1> but they are riseing

01/9/05 01:08:59 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: ACTION: The boarding party transports onto Harrison's engineering deck

01/9/05 01:09:22 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><ASCI>Excellent--what? ::pales:: <TAC>The power emissions are low, but it appears that the Harrison's backup systems are trying to compensate, their explosion program must have been built into the backups too.

01/9/05 01:09:23 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: ACTION: The lights are dim, there are a few Vulcan engineers, but no Orions

01/9/05 01:09:27 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>The captin is probobly exsperiencing some difficulty, I can assure you that she is doing the best she can though

01/9/05 01:09:33 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::dematerializes off of the Janus and rematerializes onto the Harrison phaser drawn::

01/9/05 01:09:34 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::multiple isolinear control rods are shattered in the power distribution network:: +CO+ Captain Transporter Pads C & D have blown.

01/9/05 01:09:47 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>GO

01/9/05 01:09:54 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CSCI> ::Glances at Tach:: Why didn't you tell me the couplings could rematerize without power problems?

01/9/05 01:09:58 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+CO+ can you read me

01/9/05 01:10:04 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Is our team in place?

01/9/05 01:10:11 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CSEC+ I read you, Tuvok.

01/9/05 01:10:14 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>Position Alpha NOW!

01/9/05 01:10:18 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><TAC>I thought it was obvious . . . it's not like we'll need the couplings again. All we had to do was get rid of them.

01/9/05 01:10:36 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::follows::

01/9/05 01:10:37 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Nods:: <CO> Aye sir. However, the Tachyon and I agree that there may be sufficiet back up power to detonate still.

01/9/05 01:10:45 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+team 2+ do you read

01/9/05 01:10:59 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO>+CSEC+ Get that ship secured, Mr. Tuvok.

01/9/05 01:11:05 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <TEAM 2> we copy

01/9/05 01:11:09 [Holodeck] Tachyon: <CSCI><CO>The team will have to stop the detonation program themselves.

01/9/05 01:11:23 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>+all sucurity like we planed

01/9/05 01:11:38 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::sending maintenance teams to assist the Transporter Chief:: +Computer+ Cascade Failure Warning Computer Override Transporter Room 1 Off Line

01/9/05 01:11:39 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: #Orion> ::Steps into engineering, ducking under the low doorway, and looks at the boarding party::

01/9/05 01:11:44 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: ::walks down hall causiously::

01/9/05 01:11:54 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::pulls out his tricorder an scans around::

01/9/05 01:12:02 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::follows Tuvok::

01/9/05 01:12:04 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>Throghs stun granade around the turn

01/9/05 01:12:06 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> ::Fingers nervously dance over his tac board::

01/9/05 01:12:20 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: #Orion> ::Grins at the boarding party:: Pardon me.

01/9/05 01:12:26 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>::Granade detanates and a body is heard falling::

01/9/05 01:12:36 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::Looks at the Orion:: Tuvok!

01/9/05 01:12:41 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>CMO go check on him

01/9/05 01:12:47 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: #Orion> ::Not armed::

01/9/05 01:12:50 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>he was only stuned

01/9/05 01:12:59 [Holodeck] Ens._EJ_Pilot: <CMO>::points at the Orion::

01/9/05 01:13:04 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Are they still maintaining their prior course?

01/9/05 01:13:08 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <Team2> We have three captured and one dead

01/9/05 01:13:15 [Holodeck] admtlara: <CENG>::enters turbolift for major repairs to Transporter Room 1::

01/9/05 01:13:18 [Holodeck] Lt.(jg)_Dustin_Marks: <TAC> <CO> No sir, warp engines are offline.

01/9/05 01:13:34 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: <CO><TAC> Let's get a tractor lock and start towing them out of here.

01/9/05 01:13:37 [Holodeck] Cdt_Tuvok: <CSEC>We only proceded to stun him is there a problom with him CMO?

01/9/05 01:13:45 [Holodeck] STSF_Jorlis: -=/\=- PAUSE SIM -=/\=-

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