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Saek tr'Vosh

Good things come...

The Lloann'na vessel looked the same..it had moved closer to them but na by much. Vosh sighed. He HATED the waiting. The Lloann'na were in Rihan space...HIS space...infecting it with their very presence...BUT..he knew the Khre'riov was correct in wanting to learn more before taking action...but Vorta Vor help him..it was the action that he longed for.


His mothers move had taken him out of d'heno...for the moment...but she could na take him off the Talon..and if the Talon engaged these Lloann'na...he would be in the middle of it...whether she liked it or na. Saek smiled a secret smile..."I beat au, mother...au have na won this battle.."


The by-now usual ZAPP from his prostethesis snapped him back to the moment. The shocks had grown less painful...either from aclamation or Nerve damage. Either way, he was greatful. He stared at the box on his hand. He HAD to get Laeh to put an appendage on the base..to use as a finger. Suddenly, a thought occured to Vosh..."I can put a blade on io side and use it for business...or pleasure.." He doubted in the event of a battle, the Lloann'na would ever board the Talon..but, if they did...an extra blade would make a nice addition to his Kaleh.

"Ive got to get Laehs help..." thought Vosh.


Ma'Lyn was chatting with his brother about something. Vosh thought it funny that his shuttle idea and turned into NDaks...but...to be honest..he did na mind. "In the event of failure..let the idea lay with him" thought Vosh..as he stared across the emptiness of space, at the ever approaching vessel.

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