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What a sendoff!

Personal log, 0411.30:


Koralev has been stablized and sent to the house of Konath to recover. Kwalus is sent with him to perform surgery on his wounds. Everyone is celebrating Lagh Koralev's warriorhood. The refitted Qob/Lakota is unvieled to the crowd. I stared out of the viewport. Ship looks alot cleaner than the first time I saw her from the viewport of the shuttle with Angie three years ago. Magnificent ship under all that space grime. I started wandering the halls looking for my new bride. Seems she had dissapeared. I transported over to the Qob to see if she was in our quarters. No luck, but I did find out that the Klingon engineers had thrown out my bed. All that was left was the typical Klingon sleeping slab. My poor kitty spine. First thing I'm going to have to do before departure is replicate a new bed. I returned to the great hall and heard a commotion. Seem's Qunjalth had tried to kill the son's of BcH and was now cornered by their very irate mother and father. The entire Great Hall was there cheering for Messner as he did battle with the honorless petaQ. Messner was triumphant and killed Qunjalth. I cheered my chief as he struck the fatal blow. Konath pronounced that because Messner had killed the councilman, he was now a member of the Klingon High Council. We had two first's in one day. First Koralev becomes the first human to reach the Right of Assention and serve as a Klingon warrior, now Messner becomes the first human to win a seat on the Council. Messner accepts the seat, but asks to have substitute while he continues his mission as Security Chief of the Qob. Messner picks Bch's sister Minstral to serve in his place for the duration of the Qob's mission. A third first, a woman now sit's on one of the highest seats of Klingon government. I left the Great Hall to hunt down a large replicator to make me a new bed. What a start to the Qob's new mission. These Klingon's sure know how to christen a ship. More later.



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