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A Time for Reflection

In the past few hours, Murray had arrived on the Reaent, reported for duty, transported some guy named Wero to Deep Space Four, assumed the tactical station, and was currently in the security office performing security sweeps of the ship while the ship sat in an asteroid field watching over another ship extract the remnants of an illegal experiment from a hunk of rock, all the while facing the possibility of becoming target practice for the Romulans. Life was good.


As he watched more reports come in from patrols, his mind began to wander. He didn’t mind, as long as it came back and wasn’t out carousing. He began to think of recent events. He had reported to Lieutenant Commander Shamor. Aside from the order to dispense with the “sirs” (which seemed appropriate, at least for reporting for duty), it went without incident. He had only actually spoken with Shamor for that brief bit since coming aboard, but he had a feeling he would get along with the Commander.


Mr. Flek. He has his quirks, but then, so does everyone. Murray, found it quite odd when he and Flek jogged to the bridge. He didn’t mind; just he thought it a bit unusual to jog to the bridge under non-alert conditions. Not that it mattered. Murray considered himself a bit odd, as well. Murray has a hard time disliking anyone. To that end, he determined that it is going to take a lot of work to dislike Flek. However, that seemed like too much work, so Murray discarded the idea and decided to put up with not hating Flek.


As his mind came back from journeys that he would rather not know about, Murray concluded that he was going to enjoy working aboard the Reaent. With that, he started to feel warm and fuzzy. It must be time to clean the old bellybutton again.

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