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In Reverse in Ten-Forward

Rok sat at the bar in Ten-Forward..eating his toast-francais`..when he inexplicably felt this overwhelming emotion. A single "ugh" escaped his lips before he could get the emotion under control. It was...intense...a feeling of longing...hopelessness. Whatever it was..it was not at all appealing. He looked up from his toast to see Cookie staring across the room at something going on behind Rok. He turned a bit in his seat and saw the Commmander speaking with Link, who had his back to Rok.


Now it was very impolite to eavesdrop on another crewmans conversation..however, if the Arbazan was in some sort of distress, it could have serious implications..even on ship security..which was his area of concern. The "Beta-Vulcans" ears perked slightly as he turned his head ever so slightly to hear what was going on behind him.


..."Im not sure a review board is going to see it that way.." said the Commander. A cold chill ran down Roks spine at the mention of Review Board. "So it has begun..." said Rok.


The Admiral, having returned to duty, had begun reveiwing all that happened in her absence. Mr. Links little Genetic experiment had no doubt topped the charts...however, there would soon enough come his turn to try and explain why he had seemingly ignored a Priority One signal from New Bajor. He had just finally felt like he was one of the crew..his new emotions causing minor problems at times but for the most part he felt...at ease with his shipmates...everyone except for the Admiral...he could never shake that nightmare he had about her punching him in the nose...but that was another matter, entirely.


"...but you didn't get an OK through the doctor?..." Commander Kwai continued her interrogation of Mr Link. Suddenly, Rok remembered..." an OK from the Doctor.....Ive got to speak with Doc Maxwell..."


Rok nodded to Cookie and slowly turned..keeping his back to the Commander. He got out of Ten Forward as Fast as he could going as slow as possible to prevent it looking like he was in a hurry and being detained. :o


Rok sighed "Please, Doc....I need a medical excuse..."

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